Broga in the Swamp

Event Date

May 07, 2024


Four fellas came out to Cobalt on a very ha-wet morning. No rain during the workout, but the tennis courts were indeed swampy


  • Q coming off an awesome graduation celebration weekend in Columbia for the University of South Carolina class of 2024. I may still be deaf from seeing a great cover band in a bar Saturday night.
  • Did some moving earlier in the day, and the sign of a really good and efficient moving company is allowing time for a post move and pre-dinner and party nap. It landed well
  • We had a low flying plane swing by overhead during the workout. Schwinn was vigilant and captured the tail info mid-rep and reported it. See something say something
  • Schwinn and Crank are apparently now Duke buddies and may have future tailgating plans. Q is available for guidance and recommendations for tailgating best practices.
  • Sage guidance counselor advisor advice offered up. Can’t trust the Catholics
  • Q is decidedly non-objective, but it sure does a body good
  • Solid work men!