Broken metatarsals are a nuisance at best

Event Date

May 22, 2018

First PAX on the scene today, before the Q, was Ultraman. Complete with a cast from toe to mid calf and likely an $8k scooter. Mad props sir. Mad props.

I’m getting better at the disclaimer I think. Still there’s a few things I forgot to say but no FNGs today.


Warm Up


  • Indian run – 5 merkins for the PAX at the back
  • Side-Straddle Hops
  • Hilbillies
  • Windmills
  • Lieutenant Dans (ascending ladder; a lunge followed by a squat, then 2 lunges + 2 squats, all the way up to 10)


The Thang



Set 1


  • Get block, walk and full curl to the first island
  • On your 6 for a surprise from Amen and then Freddy Mercuries
  • Run down to the pull-up bars for 10 knee ups
  • Partner up for partner leg throw-downs


Set 2


  • Run back to blocks, walk and curl to the 2nd island
  • Homer to marge
  • Run back to the bars for 10 knee ups
  • Apollo Ohnos
  • Paddycake ‘merkins


Set 3


  • Run back to blocks, walk and curl to the mound of dirt in the road
  • Thread the needle (plank on one arm, other arm rolls under)
  • Run back to the bars and do 10 knee ups
  • Inclined twisting ‘merkins (inclined on the curb, with a down/up cadence. On the up you twist to the left or the right, twisting side shoulder is higher)
  • Partner sit-ups/plank


Set 4


  • Run back to blocks
  • Your choice block exercise as we walk back to the start and return them




  • Pickle Pounder (Roadie)
  • J-Lo (Amen)
  • LBC (Travolta)
  • V-Ups (Ultraman)
  • The W (Soprano)




  • Thank you Travolta for the pleasure of Q-ing this AO. This is quite a good AO actually.  It has 3 hills, plenty of places for dips, and I believe 3 types of blocks were mentioned as options. Oh plus the pull-up bars. Seriously, it’s a great AO. 
  • Ultraman – great to see you working out with the broken foot. Very impressive!