Broken Wings


Warm up 

Slow jog in place 
10 Toy Soldiers 
10 Cotton pickers 
Right Over Left /Left Over Right 

The Thang 
Pair off Groups 1 and 2 

Mosey to Pullup Bars 

Group 1 (20) Pullups  Group 2 burpees UTC 
Group 2 (20) Pullups Group 1 burpees UTC 
Group 1 (15) Pullups Group 2 burpees UTC 
Group 2 (15) Pullups Group 1 burpees UTC 
Group 1 (10) Pullups Group 2 burpees UTC 
Group 2 (10) Pullups Group 1 burpees UTC 

Mosey to Tables 

Group 1 (30) Box Jumps (or Step ups) Group 2 Mountain Climbers UTC 
Group 2 (30) Box Jumps (or Step ups) Group 1 Mountain Climbers UTC  
Group 1 (20) Box Jumps (or Step ups) Group 2 Mountain Climbers UTC 
Group 2 (20) Box Jumps (or Step ups) Group 1 Mountain Climbers UTC  
Group 1 (10) Box Jumps (or Step ups) Group 2 Mountain Climbers UTC 
Group 2 (10) Box Jumps (or Step ups) Group 1 Mountain Climbers UTC  

Group 1 (45) Decline Merkins Group 2 T-bones UTC 
Group 2 (45) Decline Merkins Group 1 T-bones UTC 
Group 1 (30) Decline Merkins Group 2 T-bones UTC 
Group 2 (30) Decline Merkins Group 1 T-bones UTC 
Group 1 (15) Decline Merkins Group 2 T-bones UTC 
Group 2 (15) Decline Merkins Group 1 T-bones UTC 


LBC trifecta (high, mid, pretzel) x 15 each 
LBC trifecta (high, mid, pretzel) x 10 each 
4 Count Flutterkicks x 20
4 Count Freddy Mercurys x 10ish 


Romans 12:1-2 

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.