Brought to you by the letter “C”

FNG-1 = Coat factory

16 PAX came to watch the embarrassment of VQ.  Wow what a turnout!!!


Crossover leg stretches- both legs

Circles- arms- 10 rotation each, small forward, large forward, small backward, and large backward

SSH- 20 IC

Copperhead Merkins-10 IC

Copperhead Lunges- Right 10 IC

Copperhead Lunges- Left 10 IC

Copperhead Squats- 15 IC


The Thang

Catch Me if you can– Partner-up

Partner 1- 5 Burpees then sprints to catch Partner 2 running quadraphilia.  Now Partner 2 does 5 burpees while partner 2 runs quadraphilia, repeat for 2 small laps around parking lot from AO


Charles Bronson– 

Used the Stang parking lot- 1st point was bottom of the hill, 2nd spot was the 3 row of parking spaces, 3rd point was top of parking lot

Round 1-At start do 50 SSH OYO, sprint to 2nd point and Bear crawl to the 3rd.

Mosey back to 2nd, do 50 LBCs OYO, Sprint back to 1st.

High Plank until last PAX arrives

Round 2-At start do 50 merkins OYO, sprint to 2nd, crab walk to 3rd.

Mosey back to 2nd, do 50 squats, spring back to 1st

High Plank until last PAX arrives



SSH through song until “I get knocked down, but I get up again” then do a burpee (should be 27)

Cupid Shuffle

Start in High plank, do mountain climbers through the song, when the following things are said in the song:

Down- merkin

Right- Move plank to the right

Left- move plank to left

Kick- kick


Crab walk vs. Bear Crawl soccer/Futball    

Count off- even numbers on one team, odd on the other

Lowest number starts as goalie.  They will high plank until first score.

Odd numbers start as Crabs

Even numbers start as Bears

At each score, the goalie changes, and the teams switch exercise.



Call It Mary

Circle of Mary, a Pax calls out an ab exercise and we do that exercise 10 sec x number chosen for Soccer

20 seconds of low flutters, 1 minute each of bicycles, WWI and something else.  This turned out to be a terrible idea!!



Colossians 3:12

Put on then, as God’s Chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience

These are 5 ways of life that Paul says Christians ought to follow. Compassion for others rather than selfishness, moral goodness and integrity, admit that we are sinners in need of a savior, gentleness instead of hardhearted, and patience from believers

Prayer requests-School Bus and his family




Thanks to Mustang for closing the field and the large crowd,  All the PAX crammed into the small field and made the best of the soccer match.

Someone sabotaged me by stealing my cheat sheet, however, it didn't hold me back from moving forward and staying somewhat on time.  

Finkle and Thunder Club forgot who they were.  Must have worked them too hard.

Some of the PAX do not watch NASCAR, they decided to go the opposite direction during "Catch me if you can"

Someone please check on Clark's hernia.

100 seconds equals 1 minute 40 secs


Thank you all for posting this morning.  I appreciate all the support.  I had a blast and look forward to my next Q.  

Dr. Dolittle



