Brought to you by the letter “S”

FNG-1 is Coat Factory

FNG-2 is Broke 

YHC rolled in at Mustang around 5:25am to one car (Thrift Shop) in the parking lot, worried that the possibility of rain may have kept people in bed.  10 other dedicated men rolled in over the next 5 (some 6) minutes.  We gathered at the launch pad to begin:


20 SSH in cadence

Right over left stretch

Left over right stretch

Arm circles- small forward

Large forward

Small backward

Large backward

20 windmill in cadence


The Thang

Mosey to western part of parking lot


Santa’s Ladder

1 round

Run to top of hill, 10 merkins, back to bottom, 9 merkins, repeato until 5, at 5 do 5 burpees. Repeato until 1 burpee.

2 round

Reverse the burpees and merkins


Mosey down to rock pile

Squat Potato

1st round

Form a circle- hold squat position while passing around a coupon or  5. 

2nd round

Start with one coupon, person with coupon does a squat.  Added new coupons at YHCs discretion.  At the suggestion of Bertha, we reversed the direction.


Mosey back to parking lot

Suicides by Dolittle

Crab walk to 1st parking row and back

Bear crawl to 2nd parking row and back

Quadraphilia to 3rd parking row and back

Sprint to 4th parking row and back


Mosey to launch pad

Stand by your man

Partner up

Partner 1 does 10 lunges (5 each side) while partner 2 does shoulder tap planks.  Alternate when 10 lunges have been completed.  All while listening to Tammy Wynette's song "Stand By Your Man"

This was NOT a hit! 



Boucher flutter kicks- 15 IC

LBC- 25 IC

Pretzel Crunches R- 15 IC

Pretzel Crunches L- 15 IC

Heels to Heaven- 15 IC



Romans 8:39

Neither height or depth, or anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Those who are saved through faith in Christ will be saved eternally know matter the hardship that tests us, persecution that may fall upon us, and how much we disobey. 


Thank you all for posting!

Dr. Dolittle