Brought to you by the number 6

Event Date

Jan 19, 2024

We had 4 for Kettle Bellz and 2 runners this morning at ELHS.  Sparrow, Travolta, Iron Horse and Dirt for Kettle Bellz while Mater and Sonar did some running in Cougerville.

Sparrow had Q fatige after leading two workouts this week so I decided to take the lead.

After the disclaimer we warmed up with:

Mountain climers IC x 20

Downward dog stretching

Toy soldiers IC x 10

Imperial storm troopers IC x 1o

Go to the steps for calf raises IC x 15

Run a modified Sparrow circut around the parking lot stopping for 6 reps of the following exercises:



Step ups (each leg)

Bear crawl to the light behind the activity busses.

Lunges (each leg)




Mosey to the front of the school where it was dry

Ring of Fire with ABB work:

Hold LBC position while we each did one LBC one after another, then two, then three and so on up to 7

Hold flutter kick position while we each did flutter kick one after another, then two, then three and so on up to 7

Hold Freddie Mercury position while we each did Fredie Mercury’s one after another, then two, then three and so on up to 7

10 big boy sit ups OYO

Ring of burpees where we each did one burpee one after another.  Went around 10 times.

Mosey back to the start for kettle bell work.

calf raises IC x 15

Curls IC x 6

Presses IC x 6

Skull crushers IC x 6

Upward rows IC x 6

Squats IC x 6

Bent over rows IC x 6

Dead lifts IC x 6

Rinse and repeat x 2

Curls with elbow on kee IC x 6 each side

Around the world swings x 10 each way

Allen Iversons x 10 each way

One more round of slow calf raises

Thanks for sowing up today gentlement!


Lots of prayer requests today:

Mater and his family

Dr Doolittle’s M

Travolta’s M and aunt

Iron Horse’s friend
