BRP with a heavy dose of DORA

15 pax emerged in the gathering light to test their bodies and spirit at Bailey Road Park this morning, over the next hour they were tested indeed.

The Thang:

Omega Q

Mosey to the end of the parking lot

SSH X 20

Toy Soldiers X 15

Cotton Pickers X 15

'Merican Time bomb 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 (Stromboli WAA)

Mosey to the playground & partner up

Partner 1 10 Pull-ups

Partner 2 Dips AMRAP

Flip flop


Partner 1 10 pull-ups

Partner 2 Squats AMRAP

Flip flop


2 Parking lot plank walks with 5 'Mericans at each end for 20 total

Parking lot suicides to each speed bump – they ar FAR apart with 5 – 10 – 15 'Mericans

Lunge walk to the first speed bump

Bear crawl to the 2nd speed bump

Crab walk to the 3rd speed bump

Mosey to the lower football field

100 yard sprint 

50 yard sprint X 2

25 yard sprint X 2

Outlaw Q 

Partner DORA with rocks with runs across the football field and track to the far side (75 yards) and back, partner totals:

100 Rock Squats

200 Rock Overhead Press

300 Rock Curls

Mosey to the upper soccer fields for continued DORA with KBs, 60 yard run across field and back, partner totals:

100 KB Skull Crushers

200 KB Curls

300 KB Chest Press

Naked man moleskin:

In the beginning, there was Moses. But not that Moses. Our Moses is faith-filled and a helluva Cantor at Mass. But he is named for Edwin Moses the American hurdle champion. Not biblical Moses. He was somewhat tardy for the first F3 workout he attended in Charlotte and rather than go to the gate, he simply leaped/hurdled the fence and bushes to meet the pax who had already started. Moses has many gifts and is quite talented. In the beginning of F3 Isotope/North Country/now F3 LKN, we named pax via committee with a flurry of e-mails and suggestions of names for new pax. Early on, this occupied a lot of our time. Well, some of our time. And some pax were more creative than others. Early on we hit a lot of home runs. M-16. Adam Bowman. You sure as hell don't bring a bow to the gunfight that F3 is. Hence the name M-16. Gnarly Goat. Rob Cannon. Naval Academy graduate. Fits like a glove, easy peasy. Shaken, Not Stirred (his full name, most people know him only as Shake or Shaken). Named after Ian Fleming, Bond, James Bond. 007. Classic. Maverick. Mark Fishbaugh. Why? Looks like a graying Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise has posted at nearly as many workouts as him, but still a great name. Stromboli. Jim Filotei. Italian guy. We all like him. We all like that delicious Italian dish Strombolis. See? HOME RUNS!

It all seemed easy. We can't miss. But then came the dark days. Moses started getting all intellectual, bringing his foreign languages and translations to the discussions.  This was a dark time indeed, I can't recount it here. Memories are too painful still. Muliple names for each nickname, many syllables. Tragic really. We lost a lot of those men sadly to the embarrassment of not even understanding their own name. But the discussion of naming FNG Phil Harrington was a return to brighter days. E-mail train! Guys recall he always had a whistle around his neck – begets whistling Dixie and just Dixie. Paddy – for the golfer Padraig Harrington. He coaches women's basketball and is AD at CTK high school.  Summit! That's a good name! Geno for Geno Auriemma – begets Philly reference for Geno – Cheesesteak or cheese Whiz. Oops, that is already taken. Muffett McGraw the coach of ND women's basketball. Muffin – could work, took 5 + years of EHing to get him to post (kinda soft like a muffin) and one of the guys mentioned the soccer Mom's think he is eye candy. And there you have it – MUFFIN! That my friends is the anatomy of an F3 LKN naming, old school.  Multiple meanings, one word. Our work here is now done. Enjoy the rest of your day!