13 men, including Ataxia not listed above, evaded the fartsack and went up and down Bailey Springs Rd as many times as one should in a given morning. Here is their story:
Turncoat, Lego, Snoopy, Jolly Roger, Ataxia, Tantrum, and Honeybee (and maybe others) met #TheStandard for ~3 miles
Run out to the bottom of Bailey Springs Rd, then run up BS hard and recover on the downhils
Repeato until 0608 and mosey back to BRP
Recover Recover
- Strong work all around this morning but mostly by the FNG Brock, now known as F3 Imposter. 2nd post for hill repeats at BS and he crushed it. Welcome brother. It won't get any easier but you will get so much stronger.
- Two Buck and Burner determined that you can't do farleks on an incline…but presumably put in a solid morning of work anyways
- Omar and Forrest quietly put in serious work for their, seemingly, first hill repeat run at Bailey Springs…can't wait to see them crush the BRR
- Goatbusters out in force this morning as we do with Snoopy leading the way
- Hey, Ataxia made it to a run before the sun came up…nice work brother
- Felt like old times, you know before Bonesaw came along, with Jolly and Tantrum in the mix and then Jolly getting HCs for a ruck event afterwards…so Boone in April…AYE!
- Thanks to Honeybee for the opportunity to Q at Halflife and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. FNGs are always a good reminder of the power of F3. The power of accountability to get each other out of bed at ridiculous times to get stronger. AYE! Strong work this morning men. Its always a pleasure to lead such a great group. Until the next time…
Don Ho