Buckets of Fun

Event Date

May 05, 2018


7 emerged from the gloom to start their day with a little giddy up.  Some may have been intimidated by the two 5-gallon buckets filled with water, just sitting there for no apparent reason.  Atlantis did a quick lift to make sure they were full.  Yes they are; much fun planned.  It went a little something like this:

Warm Up:
– 20x SSH
– 10x Imperial Squat Walkers (remember these?)
– 10x merkins
– 10x low country crabs
– 15x windmills
*** our last contestant arrives
[channeling Shredder] let's recap….
– 20x SSH

and now for the fun part…muahahaha
run back to the back and find a block for a quick little…

Pull Up Circuit:
2 people on the pull up bar for 10 pull ups or as many as ye can
others do either curls or squat thrusters
rotate two spots…
*** Dandelion is too tired to rotate or something
*** 2nd time through pull ups were definitely tougher

Run back to the front with the blocks.  Gather up at the driveway entrance for…

Buckets of Fun:
1 person walks up Little Baby hill carrying 80+ lbs in the buckets and does 10 merkins
other 6 run up the hill carrying 33# block, does 10 merkins, and planks
when all are done, mosey down hill, all do WW1 situps until bucketeer does 10.
a-n-d rotate…all…the…way…through…the…pax

*** Vortex requests a bit of water.  YHC mercifully obliges.

Setting up the blocks in a line, we do a little plank walk ninja warrior over 7 blocks and 2 buckets.
Then jump over twice
Then twice more on the plank walking.

Blocks back and then return to the front.

*** due to YHC's need to pick up his young'en from a Youth Lock In at pursuit, scheduling is modified a bit.

Reflection: John 4:23-24
23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
– I want to be a person who the Father seeks to worship him.
– To worship in spirit (from my soul, with passion and energy) and in truth (knowing Jesus as Christ and Lord) is my mission.


YHC departs as the pax heads towards Little Baby for a burpee ladder and Mary for a solid BEATdown.

– Great job fellas.  Lots of high heart rates, but zero quit.  Solid work.
– T-claps to Anvil and Shirley who led most of the charges up the hill.  I think Shirley even ran up the hill when he was carrying his buckets.  Both of you were quite impressive.
– Thanks for figuring out the ending without a Q, although I don't think EVERYONE was equally excited about the burpee ladder.

Such an honor to lead your workout!