Building a bunch of burpees

We had 21 PAX so I think i missed one in the list above.

Warm up:

SSH 27X, Apollo Ohno 27, Toy Soldier 27X, Cotton picker 27X (27 reps to match the date)

The Thang:

Suicide Squats 5, 10, 15

Suicide Merkins 5, 10, 15

Suicide Jump Squats 5, 10, 15

Suicide Burpees 5,10, 15

Squat and shuffle 2 park space lenths and back

Merkin and plank 2 park space lenths and back

Jump Squat and shuffle 2 park space lenths and back

Burpee and shuffle 2 park space lenths and back

Mosey to parking deck and partner up

Squats partner 1 until partner 2 runs the ramp and down the stairs then switch

Merkins partner 1 until partner 2 runs the ramp and down the stairs then switch

Jump Squats partner 1 until partner 2 runs the ramp and down the stairs then switch

Burpees partner 1 until partner 2 runs the ramp and down the stairs then switch

Mosey back to home base


Led by 4 PAX but cannot remember who and what we did so feel free to add the mary exercise that you led to the comments.


I arrived to the usual mumble chatter about my tight sleevless shirt but it ended quickly with all of the burpees.  Landline gave me some competition with his tight sleevelss shirt also.

No Bailey because I cannot control the PAX and Bailey at the same time.

I warmed up with 27 of each exercise and hoped that the PAX did the same 27 reps for Mary but they did not so I forgot who did what exercise and how many they did so if you led a mary exercise feel free to add a comment.

The PAX quickly realized the pattern of squats, merkins, jump squats, and burpees.  I was going to change it up on the last set at the ramp and do LBC's but Smores really wanted to keep up the pattern so we did burpees.

Welcome FNG Greg Cooke, now know as Queit Riot!

Deep Dish thank you for allowing me to Q.