Pax not listed above:  Turncoat 

27 men posted at Hollywood for day 3 of Week of The Force (3 year F3 anniversary) to see how to build pyramids around ropes.  Here is the chaos that ensued…

WARMORAMA: Joggy Jog behind the tennis courts and down the hill to the rock pile.  Grab a rock that you can do plenty of reps with.  Circle up for Imperial Storm Troopers, Cotton Pickers and Shoulder Circles (that's right – no SSHs and you'll see why soon enough!) while the Q explains what's about to go down.

THE THANG:  The pax circled up around 2 battle ropes (compliments of Wingman and the Q) they found strategically placed in the middle of the field, both anchored by heavy kettle bells (compliments of Ramrod) and festively lit with lights.  The pax would do exercises called by the Q in a circle around the ropes, while men rotated through the ropes doing their own exercises (also determined by the Q) until the circled up pax completed their exercise.  Then the next men rotated into the ropes.


Tip Toe Rope Hops

Double Wave

Snakes on the Ground

Power Slams

180 Degree Rope Jump Squats

Side Slams

Traveling Merkin over the Ropes

Plank Rope Lifts

Burpee Rope Slams

Around the Rope Shuffles

Two Person Lat Pull Planks (this one required 2 men per rope, head to head)

Start over at the top of the list.



10 Man Maker Merkins

20 Carolina Dry Docks

30 Curls (low, high, full 10 ea)

40 Skull Crushers

50 Shoulder Taps (shoulder tap merkin w/o the merkin)

100 Corkscrews (manmaker merkin w/o the merkin)

Then back down the other side same exercises 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.


10 Jump Squats

20 Lunges

30 Squats

40 Rock Jumps (behind or over the rock, or hold the rock – pax choice)

50 Power Knees (arms up to the left, pull down to right knee while bringing right knee up two arms – then switch to right side.  25 of each for 50 total)

100 Side Straddle Hops

Then back down the other side same exercises 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.


Had to audible out of this one, as we had only about 6 minutes left and we still had our rocks and were about 150 yards from where we started.  The audible was men on the ropes simply do the double wave while we let the pax call out the next exercise.  Pax calls were:

Mason Twist w/ Rock x 10 in cadence (possibly the only cadence YHC got right all morning)

The Merkin x 15 in cadence

The Dying Cockroach x 25 (I think?) in cadence.  However many it was – it was too many!


10 Burpees

20 Hip Dips (10 ea side)

30 Peter Parkers (or Parker Peters – I was gonna let the pax choose)

40 LBCs

50 Mountain Climbers

100 second plank

Again, back down the other side 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.


My first Q at Hollywood – I must have been nervous, or outside of my comfort zone, or perhaps it was that I didn't fully complete my weinke until 10PM the night before.  My cadence calling was horrific!

But admit it – have you ever seen a Q with a bigger weinke?  #Qpride

Cobains to the men on the ropes when we got to the 50 and especially to the 100 count exercises!

This was Wingman's first Hollywood post.  Thanks for bringing the extra rope, and don't worry – there's no additional charge by the Q for the extra calories you burned carrying the rope to and from the location!  #parkwithusnexttime

You know you loved the "Power Knees"!  Wish MiniMe could have joined us although he's a whole different type of dancer.  Who had the best form – was it Olive or Holiday???

Thanks to Holiday for "allowing me" to sign up for the Q, and to the pax for joining me for day 3 of Week of The Force (or, "Work Week" of The Force since I'm only Qing M-F).  Thanks to Jolly Roger for the inspiration – he Q'ed the full week last week.  Shout outs to Thug and Bama for my first EHs to F3 although I completey laughed them off and told them 7AM on a Saturday was far too early for exercise.  Who's laughing now…  And to Black Eye Pea for the EH that clinched it – three years ago this week he convinced me to try F3 at The Wilderness.  Post there tomorrow to relive my very first post (led by Jorel 3 years ago).

Lot's going on around the circle and inside with the ropes – add them to the comments, as I'm sure I missed a lot fumbling around with the two-sided monster of a weinke.  Thanks again, men!