Block work and built some burpees

warm up:

SSH 31x

line up in one side of parking lot and walking exercises to other side: lunge with twist, frankenstein, IST, butt kickers, high knees, karaoke

The thang:

line up on a parking space:  plank walk to end 5 merkins plank walk back 5 merkins, shuffle to 10 jump squats shuffle back 10 jump squats, shuffle to end 5 burpees, shuffle back 5 burpees

line up for suicides:

merkins suicides 5-10-15, jump squat suicided 5-10-15, burpee suicides 5-5-5

mosey to grab a block

incline merkin on block 10x, block squats 20x, block curls 15x, block press 10x, block skull crusher 10x

combined all: blockie burpee/8 count body builder/complex: inclined merkin, squat, curls, press, skull crusher combo 10

block push across parking lot with bear crawl and back

zipper up and zipper down: blocks spread 12-24 apart, staggered merkin, inclined merkin, staggered merkin across 6-7 blocks

blocks back and mosey to homebase


eyore preztel crunch, 9 lives touch them heels, spreader LBC, Dingo crunchy frog, over budget elbow plank, bunyon burpees


I am fulfilling my QvQ promise to Q a various AO’s that I do not attend regularly.  I am working on visiting different AO’s than normal and recommend other to do the same!

Also, Jersey Boy recommended to reach out to some Cotters so lets all call atleast 1 PAX that we have not seen in a while and get them out!

Great AO with great master Q and great group of PAX!  Let’s spread out to AO’s we do not visit regularly!  

Estwing thank you for allowing me to Q!