Bulgarian Java

12 strong for Java this gloomy morning.



SSH – 20

IST – 15

Carrot Puller – 15

Windmill – 15


The Thang

Run to the fountain at Kenton Place

’Mericans – 20

Rocky Balboa – 20

Bulgarian Squat – 10 each leg

Run to Elevation Church

‘Mericans – 20

LBC – 20

Freddy Mercs – 20 (led by Riverboat)

Run to Robbin’s Park

’Mericans – 20

CDD – 20

Dips – 20

Run back to Elevation Church

’Mericans – 20

Low Flutter – 20

Break Dancer – 20 (led by Omega)

Run back to Starbucks

’Mericans – 20

Burpees – 5 (at the request of Eeyor)

Recover Recover



Great morning for a workout. Good to see some faces I haven’t seen at Java in awhile. Airstream has been helping me with a bum knee so I incorporated a few sets of Bulgarian squats into the workout. Strong running by all.  Not quite a snotwoggle but close.

Omega led us in prayer. Coffeeteria was at Starbucks (it’s finally back open but with limited seating). 

Appreciate the opportunity to lead a this fine group of men.