Bumping into Coworkers in the Shower

Event Date

Jun 11, 2020

Delayed start for the Wilderness today, but the PAX seemed to enjoy it.  


10x IC Slo-Windmill, Dwight Shrouts, Arm Circles, Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Over to the newly opened bars for 10x Pullups and 10x Dips – Threepeato

Mosey to Queen's corner

15x Rocky Balboas, 15x Freddie Mercuries, 10x Inclined Curb Merkins

Mosey up to the Weight Room (Rock Pile)

All IC

10x Lo curl, 10x Hi Curl, 10x Overhead press (O-press), 10x Skull Krusher

Put all that together for 10x Eight Count Burners 

5x Burpees OYO

Mosey around the traffic circle

Colt 45 – 15x low, 15x hi, 15x full curls 

10x Bros (Bent Over Rows), 10x Upright Rows 

Zamperini around the traffic circle, stop halfway for 10x Full Curls, Zamperini back and rocks back

5x Burpees OYO

Mosey back to Queens Corner

10x Freddie Mercuries and the much loved… Airborne Mindbender

Mosey back to the clubhouse for 


10x Low Flutters, 10 WW2 situps OYO, 15x Suzanne Summers each leg, 10x Low Dolly, 10x Rosellita, 10x J-Low

Recover Recover 


Great words of advice were shared to today:

Jorel – Keep up the chatter – Communication is key

Amen – Live in the moment – Don't dwell on the past

Ultraman – Live in the now – Again, live for the here and now

Crocs – KISS – Keep it simple stupid.  Very common term in the military.  Also reminds me of Occam's Razor – the simplest explanation is usually the correct one and entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity.  

Magaphone – Don't be afraid to integrate.  To form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole.  

Topgun – Buy more ammo.  "I have too much ammo, said no one… ever."    Protect, Provide, and Preside – the three principles of the Order of Man.   Right now, in our country, there are evil people kicking in doors with intent to do harm.  And people who want to get rid of the police.  And good police are getting tired of being called the bad guy and ready to quit.  Be prepaired.  

And if you are wondering about the workout title, you have to S2K.  

TG sends,
