Bunnies on a Bike at The Wilderness

The PB asked if anyone had ever seen a bunny ride a bike…  and YHC posted a video of my 15 year old at his first job last weekend – the Easter Bunny waving to traffic in front of Uncommon Scents and Target in Huntersville.  Don't think the pax solved the riddle until we left the first traffic circle (said otherwise, the first tire of the bike) and headed down to the hill (the bicycle seat).  Nonetheless, 16 pax plus YHC showed up in the gloom to celebrate Easter a little early with an Easter Egg Hunt.  Here's kinda how that went…

0510, YHC messes with the space watch in an attempt to track time and mileage.  Not a runner, so this too a minute…  

0511, off we go!

Joggy jog down the parkway toward Queen's Corner.  At QC, karoake to the right, then the left up the hill, then high knees, then butt-kickers as we pass the weight room, alas halting at the first tire of the bicycle.  SSHs, ISTs, then we are ready for the Easter Egg Hunt.

The Easter Egg Hunt:

The Easter Bunny had somehow placed placed a basket inside the traffic circle overnight, complete with resin grass and Easter Eggs.  Inside each egg was a gift – a piece of paper with an exercise listed.  Each of these little gifts would help all who participated get stronger.  How thoughtful.  After each exercise, a lap around the tire.  After all the eggs had been opened and cadence had been followed (and laps had been run), we headed to the bicycle seat.  At the top of the seat/hill, another basket awaited.  Between each exercise, down the hill, quadrophelia up.  Out of eggs again, let's head to the next tire (traffic circle at Hugh Torrence and Stumptown).  Look!  Another basket in the grass!  Eggs, eggsercises and laps.  Then way past time to head back.  Stop at the seat for the six, some Shoulder-touch Merkins and LBCs thanks to Tantrum deferring to Snake Eyes.  Then up the steep hill to the first tire again, stop for a LOT of low flutters thanks to Travolta.

Then back to the start, where maybe 4 of the pax had time for MWAR.

Eggsercises in the baskets consisted of (but not limited to, because YHC left the list and eggs at home): Merkins, diamond merkins, crucifix merkins, Parker Peters, Peter Parkers, CDDs, poorly demonstrated "plank touch your ankles" – pretty sure FiA does those better, jump squats, and maybe some others.


Fun to celebrate Easter with you fellas this morning, and love the turnout of 17.  Amazing what some decent weather brings!

Cobains for the extra merkins at the top of the hill.  Couldn't stop while the M was driving by headed to FiA – what might she have said about us?

That's really it – nothing else funny happened nor was stated in the gloom.  If so, prove me wrong with comments.