Bunyan thought he had it

13 Warriors opted to post at THE best AO in Huntersville.  Some Men passed the best AO in Cornelius to get here.  We did some stuff and here’s a brief re-cap. (Note: order of events and counts MAY be off)

(BTW, 1 for the Standard- lonely, but great conversation)

Jog-o-rama around the lot w/ a little backward and karaoke mixed in.

Grab a block with which to travel, begin traveling around the lot to landing spot #1

SSH X 25

Block ‘Merican @ 15

SSH X 25

Windmill @ 10

WWII @ 20

SSH X 25

Man-maker ‘Merican @ 20

Slow Squat @ 15

Hand-release ‘Mericans @ 10

SSH X 25

Grab your block and walk while doing curls to the dreaded Stumptown steps 

Partner up- you know what’s next: wheelbarrow up, both partners 7 burpees at top, cirlcle down and swap: 6,5,4,3,2,1

Al Gore while All finish

Partner plank/sit-up @ 20.  Swap and repeat 

Block squat X 15

OH press X 15

The Curl X 15

Zampeirini to Bell Tower lot.

Full Curl, Skull-crusher

Zamperini again

Overhead press

Zamperini again

THE American push-up

Zamperini again to pull-up bars

Same partners: 10 pull-ups, 15 WWII.  Swap and repeat

10 chin-ups, 15 WWII.  Swap and repeat

20 jump-squats

Elbow plank

10 burpees and return your blocks, mosey to COT

Dying cockroach

Alternating LBC

Recover X 2

Naked Moleskin:

1. Bunyan apparently tried to grab the Q after 9 pm.  Sorry, Bro- I didn’t know.  

2. He did however commit to the Q for next week.  Travolta secured Qs for 3 of the next 4 weeks.  (Very successful)

3. You won’t believe this: Toxic did not stop talking for the entire workout.  True story.  (Maybe you should take some cues from Ninja Turtle- he’s the strong, silent type)

4. Many were called to join our workout the previous night.  Few answered the call.  Those who did: thanks for posting, gents!  It’s always more fun with a solid number of veteran Pax.

5.  Thanks to you fellas who ventured south to The H from the big C.  The Horseshoe isn’t that great anyway.

6.  Thanks Travolta for (how many?) years of Master Q at Gladiator.  He’s only the 3rd one ever, you know!


