Burn out Train

Event Date

Feb 25, 2022

The Cauldron 

Feb 24, 2022


Burn Out Train




15 SSH 

10 Imperial Stormtroopers 

10 windmills 

10 toy soldiers 

5 burpees 




KB’s were spaced out in two rows from heaviest 45 lb to lightest 15 lb dumbbell 


Two lines.  One person begins with the heaviest KB


45 lb KB – 10 reps

30 lb KB –  15 reps

25 lb KB  –  20 reps

20 lb KB  –  25 reps

15 lb DB  –  30 reps


The rest of the group runs down the ramp and up the stairs then run back down to the KBs. 


While waiting on a line to open:


5 burpees 

10 jackknife LBC each leg 

10 mericans 


This only happened once for everyone. 


Then head through a line of KBs


1st Round- curls

2nd Round- skull crushers 

3rd round- shoulder press 

4th Round-lawnmower 

5th Round- squats 






40 jackknife LBC 

2 sets of kb side bends 

Around the world with KB while on your knees 




The chatter lasted about halfway then the burning of the high reps kicked in. 

Great work by everyone this morning. 

Thanks to Bunyan & Over Budget for your 45 lb KB for us to use. 

Toxic wants to use my playlist for future workouts and it was suggested Omaha borrow it as well. 

