Burning calories before Thanksgiving

Event Date

Nov 23, 2021




Walk carrying KB to far side of the parking lot 


20 SSH

10 carrot pullers 

10 Windmills 

10 Imperial Stromtroopers




Start at one end of the parking lot with KB


5 KB swings 

Run to end of parking lot 

5 mericans 

Run back to KB


Lunge walk with KB to next section of the parking lot 


10 KB swings 

10 KB skull crushers 

Run to end of parking lot 

10 mericans 

10 LBC

Run back to KB


Lunge walk with KB to next section of the parking lot 


15 KB swings 

15 KB skull crushers 

15 KB curls

Run to the end of the parking lot 

15 mericans 

15 LBC 

15 carolina dry docks

Run back to KB 


Lunge walk with KB to next section of the parking lot 


20 KB swings 

20 KB skull crushers 

20 KB curls

20 Shoulder press

Run to the end of the parking lot 

20 mericans

20 LBC

20 Carolina dry docks

20 low flutter 

Run back to KB 


Lunge walk with KB to next section of the parking lot 


25 KB swings 

25 KB skull crushers 

25 KB curls 

25 KB shoulder press

25 KB bent over rows

Run to the end of the parking lot 

25 mericans 

25 LBC

25 Carolina dry docks 

25  low flutter 

25 squats

Run back to KB


Lunge walk to the last section (end of parking lot)


20  KB swings 

20 mericans 

20  KB skull crushers 

20 LBC 

20  KB curls

20 Carolina dry dock 

20  KB shoulder press 

20  low flutter 

20  KB bent over rows

20 squats 

20  dragonflies 



Recover recover 


Total count per exercise:


95 KB swings 

95 mericans 

90 KB skull crushers 

90 LBC

80 KB curls

80 Carolina Dry Docks

65 KB shoulder press 

65 Low flutter 

45 KB bent over rows 

45 squats 

20 dragonflies 

Lunge walked about 200 yards






Great job everyone.  Big surprise to see Bam Bam attending a 5:30 am beat down especially with the temperature near freezing.  MacAulay neighborhood was represented well.  Good to see Tommy Boy on a 4 week streak. 


Thanks to everyone who helped make the Kiwanis Club Thanksgiving Dinners project a huge success!  302 dinners were delivered to families in need around the LKN area. 


Happy Thanksgiving!
