Burpee Blessing from Two Buck Chuck

Event Date

Jan 17, 2017


Blessed was the word of the year for those of faith in 2016 so 7 of us got a blessing of Burpees this morning. Thanks Two Buck Chuck for the inspiration!

Warm up


20IC Mt. Climbers

20IC Imperial Squat Walkers


Burpees on the run

Cue up for an IR round trip to the SV Club House with stops at each intersection

Translated = 1 mile run with 10 stops 

10 OYO Burpees (20 at first stop) – 110 total

20 WWI situps – 200 total

10 Merkin – 100 total

Lunge walk the length of the Club House parking lot at the 1/2 way point.

1 MoM

20 IC America Hammer



Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way the sinners take or sit in the compacy of the mockers…

Don't get sucked into the negative. Even better don't put yourself in that environment. 



Very little MC today.

You should thank Two Buck Chuck, his post was the inspiration for today!