Burpee Ladder + Sprints = Cure For the “Mondays”

9 men dared to step out into the blistering wintery mix that befell…oh wait, that didn't happen. It was cold, but we heated up rather quickly.


  • Mosey around parking lot mixing in high knees and butt kickers
  • Circle up
  • Mountain Climbers 20X IC
  • SSH 20X IC
  • Muricans 10X IC
  • Squat 10X IC

The Thang

Partner up

Round 1

  • P1 – bear crawl from designated large atlas ball to the end and back (approximately 20 yards each way)
  • P2 – Step Ups until P1 returns then flapjack
  • P1 – repeato bear crawl
  • P2 – Carolina Dry Docks with feet up on wall until P1 returns then flapjack

Round 2

  • P1 – lunge walk the same distance as before
  • P2 – Wall jumps until P1 returns then flapjack
  • P1 – Repeato lunge walk
  • P2 – Incline Muricans until P1 returns then flapjack

Round 3

  • P1 – Run to the end of parking lot and back
  • P2 – Man Maker burpees (or burpee box jumps) until P1 returns then flapjack
  • P1 – Repeato run
  • P2 – Dips until P1 returns then flapjack

Burpee Ladder

  • 10 Muricans IC
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint to cross walk (approximately 30 yards) mosey back
  • 10 Squats IC
  • 9 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint to cross walk, mosey back
  • 10 Dips IC
  • 8 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint to cross walk, mosey back
  • 10 Split Squats IC (5 each leg)
  • 7 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint to cross walk, mosey back
  • 10 Derkins IC
  • 6 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint to cross walk, mosey back
  • 10 Muricans IC
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint to cross walk, mosey back
  • 10 Squats IC
  • 4 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint to cross walk, mosey back
  • 10 Dips IC
  • 3 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint to cross walk, mosey back
  • 10 Split Squats IC (5 each leg)
  • 2 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint to cross walk, mosey back
  • 10 Derkins IC
  • 1 Burpees OYO
  • Sprint to cross walk, mosey back


  • Low flutter 30X IC (compliments of CIQ-Blackberry)
  • Mason Twist 15X IC
  • Homer to Marge

COT – Bunyan


  • It is always an honor to workout beside you men, and to have the opportunity to lead you in a workout – thank you Blackberry!
  • The mumblechatter was excessive this morning, but only by one person, who will remain nameless (not hard to figure out from the PAX list though)
  • Fortunately, that same individual provided some need encouragement and accountability – YHC needed that accountability at about sprint #5
  • The burpee ladder provide the PAX the opportunity to knock out 55 burpees and 10 sprints – it was an awfully good way to start a Monday
  • A few callouts were made for some no shows – I'm sure they had a good excuse, it was cold outside
  • Prayers lifted up for our brother Schneider – get well some and get back out here
  • Have a wonderful and bless week gentlemen