Burpee MATH ensued at Fission

War Baby – Slingshot

Co-War Daddies – Jersey Boy & Bagboy

12 men answered the call on a Thursday at Fission. Here's their story.

A meeting of the aged but not infirm commenced at 0523 between Jersey Boy & Gnarley Goat, who shared stories about their consecutive days of beatdowns or self-inflicted double downs from earlier in the week. YHC didn't neen any additional sadistic encouragement, so I used the time to scout the premesis.

Warm-o-rama (don't let Waffle House confuse you…this really was the warm-up):

  • laps around the cars including high knees and butt kickers.
  • 1 burpee followed by a 10 yard form walk. 2 burpees followed by another form walk… up to 5 burpees. Walks included toy soldier, inch work, lunge, etc.

Mosey to the back of HT:

  • 3 rounds of perpetual step-ups 10 each leg & calf raises 10IC.
  • wall sit while each pax runs to the top of the stairs; some variations on wall sits mixed in. Cobains to Kingfish & Titan who were at the end of the line…that was a whole lotta consecutive wall sitting for their end of the line

Mosey to other side of HT for COP:

  • 6 burpees followed by Apollo Ohnos 10 each side; 7 burpees followed by knee-ups to 10IC…might have been another exercise in there

Mosey to the front of HT following Jeffey, PJ, Dolly, & Billy (ref Family Circus) through the shopping cart corral and 1 pullup on the way. 11s with merkins / knee-ups. Jump the wall between sets.

Split up into debits & credits for 2 lines of Cackalacka-choo-choo. Each pax jumped through 4 times. The 3rd & 4th times through, we added 2 burpees before running the choo-choo gauntlet.

Mosey back to the cars for cool down & MARY. 

  • low flutter & low dolly followed by 8 burpees
  • high flutter & rosalita followed by 9 burpees
  • pretzel crunch both sides followed by 10 burpees
  • then we came down the burpee ladder…9, 8, 7, 6 to 5 burpees with exercises in between including SSH, good mornings, & IST.

COT – prayers offered up for Jasper (Cobra Kai's father) & family and all suffering from natural disasters. Invictus poem recited…be unconquerable as your soul is unconquerable!


  1. Jersey Boy stood bloodied and victorious on the field of battle by the end, thanks to his full assault on the brick wall. TClaps for sticking it out. 
  2. Waffle was thrown off his game when we didn't start with SSH. 1st F Q and MQ should expect a formal complaint to be lodged and YHC expects it to be summarily dismissed…thanks to crony F3ism.
  3. Kingfish was spotted solo. The search for S'Mores began directly after the workout.
  4. Popcorn refused to be left behind on any exercises, pushing the pace on burpees and 11s.
  5. Outlaw's name was invoked by Gnarly Goat after completing 94 burpees during the workout. All pax survived and were able to amble back to their cars.
  6. Primo, Beetlejuice, Landline, and Metallica were spotted running during coffeeteria. As usual, Primo was chipper and talkative. Beetlejuice was buried in his own mind. Landline was plotting his last minute sprint to win the race that wasn't really a race and Metallica was goading Primo with VP debate talk.
  7. Titan's puppy deserves recognition for getting Titan to more workouts in the last 2 weeks that we were able to do over the last 6 months! 

As always…twas an honor. Thanks for following me around the HT this morning.

Moses out…