Burpee-Suicide-Ball Hopping Beatdown


20 IST
15 CPs
10 Don Quixotes (Windmill)
1 minute arm circles



Leapfrog balls
Burpee between each
Bearcrawl back
Repeato X 3

50 Low Flutters while we wait on the 6

Mosey the long way to basketball courts
Burpee suicide on the lines (Sweet C suggests a mutany, but there were no pirates???)
Run to line 1 – 1 Burpee run back
Run to line 2 – 2 Burpees run back
And so on to 15 A LOT of grumbling ensued – Psych (Jedi Mind Trick) only go to 10
BamBam led in Mary until the 6 arrived.

Run the long way back to the big lot


Partner up (sdnm)

Corner 1:
Partner 1 AMRAP Burpees (about 20-25)
Partner 2 bearcrawl to next corner and quadraphilia back
Flapjack Repeato
Mosey to next corner 

Corner 2: WWI sit-ups-crabwalk and quadraphilia back
Mosey longest around the lot and circle near Old Glory


1 Crisp Clean Burpee


The Mighty Moleskin

What a fantastic AO!  There are so many possibilities without leaving campus and many more if you go apocolypto.  Q-ing here is a pleasure and an honor.  Thank you Ditka for the opportunity to lead here.


The Burpees were a crowd favorite followed by a the extended bearcrawls coming in a close second.  There was a lot of mumblechatter during the warm-o-rama then it died off. (I get that a lot).  Several times the PAX asked why I was so angry. 😉


  • Ditka – powering through IR.  You are a machine.
  • BamBam – T-Claps for leading Mary at the B-Ball Courts and for just being a badass. (Suzanne Summers leg-lifts and all)
  • Sweet C – Thank you.  Thank you for all you do, your heart for F3, and for NOT punching me in the face when I announced our Burpee-Suicides.  I know you held it back.
  • Big Perm – Gonna miss you, bro.  You make me laugh everytime.  You tell some funny jokes too.
  • RamRod, BlackBerry, and Mr. Burns, you guys are great battle buddies.  Thanks for posting the standard.  Your welcome for telling you truthfully that the workout was NOT RUCK friendly.
  • Bunyan – Strong work, brother.  Always strong work.
  • Over-budget – You told me your name as you were leaving like I was the only Schmuck under a rock that didn’t know who you were.  Can’t miss you, bro.  Consistent hard work. (And you beat me in a sprint once)
  • Ultra Man – Killed it!
  • Rocket – STA-RONG work, brother.
  • Olaf – R-E-S-P-E-C-T  Way to push it, bro.
  • Chesnutt – Rocked, bro!
  • Tommy Boy – looking good, my man.  Strong work !


Announcements: http://f3isotope/announcements

Prayer: Ephesians 6:10-19


Thank you to Bogey, C-Note, and TwoBuckChuck for inviting me to this crazy bunch.  When we say there is some guy praying for this (F3) right now, I was that guy.  Keep EH-ing.