Burpee Time Bomb?

7 strong Pax met for a #Hollywood showing of a low-budget film.  After a quick jaggy-jog (Save for 9-Lives who did a 2 mile Standard), we circled up for:

SSH x 125 (that’s 250 singles for those still counting)
Down Dog to stretch those tight calves
Low Hover
IST x 20
The Windmill @ 10
LBC x 20

Mosey to Movie Lot and circle up:

‘Merican Time Bomb (7)
Jump-squat Time Bomb (7)
Burpee Time Bomb (7)
Little Baby Extension @ 10
Mosey to parking ramp:
Quadra-Philia to the plateau, 7 burpees, run around to the top and down the stairs, 20 ‘Mericans at the base.  Repeat for 6,5,4,3,2,1- all with 20 ‘Mericans at the base.
Freddy Mercury x 20
Mosey back to launch for MARY.
Alternating LBC
Touch dem heels
Dying Cockroach
The W
Recover X 2
Naked Moleskin:
1.  Thanks to those who posted- all gave strong effort today!
2. Some of the Hollywood regulars were no-shows. (Hat Trick, Holiday, JB, Goodlife- looking your direction)
3. Good to see a few Irregulars too. (Can I say that?  Is that insulting? Looking your way- Deadhead & Talking Heads)
4. Little Professor’s favorite today was the burpee time bomb.  I heard him whispering about how much fun that was.  I think it worked fine. 
5. Deep Dish looked with pity on 9 Lives as he compared Pizza Hut to real Chicago pizza.    
6. Estwing was fondest of the many SSH, saying he avoided Don Ho’s workout intentionally to skip stupid stuff like that.  Sorry Bro, but you’re better for it now.
7. Enjoy the day guys.