Burpees again?

12 Pax were present and accounted for at The Mighty Jungle this morning. Here’s a synopsis of events.

Welcome/Disclaimer/Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100) Yes!

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Toy Soldiers x10 (20)

-Hillbilly x10 (20)

-‘Lil Professor/Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute/Carrot Puller/Long Snapper/Soap Locater x10

Mosey to Checkpoint 2

Played a hand of cards (Cards were shuffled well, each Pax drew a card from the deck, but not before Elmers cut the deck):

-Black yields Pax choice of exercise (Results=x5)

-Red yields Q’s choice of exercise (Results=x5 of Toby administered core pain)

-Royal /Face card requires 5 burpees and then a mosey lap (Results=We did 6 of these -ouch)

Get blocks/In cadence:

-Overhead press x15 (30)

-Curl x20 (40)

-Skull crusher x15 (30)

 -Squats x15 (30)

-Bent-over row x15 (30)

-Lawnmower x10 each side (40)

Blocks up

Mosey to Checkpoint 3 (IC):

-Land the plane x10 (20)

-Praying Mantis x20 (40)


-Muhammad Ali/Rocky Balboa x20 (40)


-Christian McCalf Raises x23 (46)

Mosey back to Checkpoint 1/base

Round of Mary (10 reps of an exercise called by each Pax)

Recover, Recover


YHC went to Excelsior to ruck at 6am thinking Camelback would be there and we’d leave from there to go to Mighty Jungle. However, Camelback went to Mighty Jungle at 6 instead to be a sad clown. He seemed to be enjoying his quiet time when YHC arrived though. Sorry bro-my bad. Thanks for being at the convergence. Elmers should’ve never cut the card deck. Chilly Willy was doing one arm push-ups in between our reps just to show off. Kachow was leading the Pax on most exercises and killed it today. Sergeant Slaughter and Bullseye crushed it today and also did a great job leading some exercise/reps. Great to see new faces. They also joined us for bagels and coffee afterwards. Mulligan was in beast mode as usual. YHC’s arms are still sore from his Gladiator Q on Tuesday. Knockout, Titan, Omaha, and Blackbeard did a ruck alternative. YHC’s Bluetooth wouldn’t sync yielding no dope tunes for the morning. However, the Pax still got it done today. Great effort gents!



-On 3/30 we will hold a F3 CPR class at Lake Forest Church from 6:30-8pm.  M’s and 2.1’s are welcome to attend. Please save the date!

-On 2/16 Boatyard will have bingo night. F3 Pax are planning to show. Feel free to bring your M.

-Polar bear will be held on 2/11 at Paininsula.

-Daytona 500 coming up on 2/15 at DPK parking deck.

-There will be a Hope House fundraising event at the Peninsula Club on the evening of 2/11. They need about 10 F3 Pax to volunteer to help at the event. DM Possum, Olive, or Cherrybomb if you are free and can help.

-There are plenty of MQ’s at various AO’s who need some Q’s to cover. Please consider going out to the calendar and sign up on one one or more dates between now and June. Also, we need a commitment from all Pax to help EH those who haven’t posted in a while and may get back at it in early 2023, or FNG’s who may be curious about F3 who may start posting. #just1

Prayer Requests:

-Honeysuckle Blue’s great aunt passed away. Also, he has some upcoming procedures to help his hip. Pray for both of these items for him.

-66’s daughter has a growth in her brain that has to be treated. Please pray for him and his family.

-Freedom’s continued recovery.

-Remember Pax who recently lost a parent. Also, remember those Pax who have caregiving and/or health issues with aging parents.

-Unspokens among F3

Until next time.


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee,, TobyMac, etc.)
