Burpees and Basketball

warm up

Mosey around the parking lot

ssh 9x, ist 9x, toy soldier 9x, alternating lunges 9 per leg, burpees 9, merkin time bomb 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1


the thang

Mosey to brick wall, partner up

People’s chair wall squat 2 legs, right leg up, 2 legs, left leg up (repeato) while other partner holding al gore (flip flop)

Plank with feet on the wall, Peter Parker 9x, Parker Peter 9x while other partner was in regular plank (flip flop)

mosy to playground pull up bar area

burpee with pull up 3, 6, 9 while other partner jump lunge each leg and jump squat 3,6,9 (flip flop in between sets)

merkins 9x, squats 9x

mosey to basketball court

defense shuffle across and back 2 times with burpee every 9 shuffles

mosey around parking lot

split up into 2 groups each pax went to free throw line while others rotated plank or al gore, they shoot until they made it, how ever many shoots it took was the number of burpees the group had to complete (max 9)


we played 4on 4 basketball


i started out running toward the JV washam exit so paxs thought I was heading back to 131 main

the pax enjoyed putting their feet on the wall since we now have brick walls at our new AO vs white siding at 131 main

after burpee pull ups we got in some merkins & squats since I am a creature of habit & we are usually there for the Murph

most of us were really bad at free throws so either most of us are really bad at basketball or I crushed everyone’s arms during the workout, so we did a ton of burpees.  Since I maxed out at 9 free throws I think it was that I crushed everyone’s arms!  Next time we need to start with hoops first.

We ended with a fun and competitive 4 on 4.  Titan called out 1 min left so I said next basket wins, no one disagreed.  After I ended the game with a running jump shoot, Moses was not happy that my team won 1-2.  

On a serious note,

Moses wanted to let all PAX know that Joe Douglas, owner of 131 Main did not kick us out of that area, F3LKN decided to move AO since over time we continued to forgot to keep our feet and hands off the white siding at 131 main.  Let’s respect out AO’s!

Operation Sweet Tooth is collecting school supplies, drop off to any master Q, my office at 18716 W Catawba, or contact Olive.

Please support and spread the word to vote for Scrappy George Bell for judge!

Titan thanks for the opportunity to Q fission at the new AO.

Bijoux thanks for taking us out in prayer.