Burpees and Running for Santiago’s Birthday

It was a surprise Q, not because FLG and I didn't plan or communicate well, but because it's Santiago's birthday and he likes surprises.  The guest Q excitement dissapated quickly when we started a faster than mozy jog promptly at 5:30.


Run around the approximately 1/4 mile building stopping at each corner to circle up for IST, Windmill, Merkin, Vegetation Grabber.  We were very good at making circles after this.  Run across the street and up the hill to the old AO to grab blocks, both cinder and regular.  Zamperini back to the start.  This was met with much mumblechatter as the PAX were expecting the Thang to commence here and rocks are heavy.

The Thang

The warmup was some helpful foreshadowing for the fun to follow.  Block assisted exercise at the start (15x IC- curls, squats, military press, skull crushers, lunge, lbc).  6 sets total with a lap around the building in between stopping for burpees at each corner.  1 per corner on the first lap, 2, 4, 8, 4, 2.  The PAX were very excited that YHC called an Omaha instead of a 16 round of burpees!  63 total and a 2 mile run by my count; hope that's acceptable FLG.

Zamperini the rocks back to their home.  Are you too good for your home?

Mozy back to start but we're not done yet.  Line up head to feet in a plank column for Bear Crawl Inch Worms.  Sort of like an Indian Run but last Pax BC to the front while we all hold plank.  2x through.  It sucked as much as it sounds.

Since we had Mary with LBC and a 4 minute plank- recover, recover.


Goodell was a sad clown rucker during the beatdown.  He seemed quite pleased with his decision after seeing the end of the Bear Crawls.  

Lear is alive and well and was waiting for us at Coffeteria.

Deepend said that he wished he would've fartsacked during the 8 round burpees, but I don't believe him.

Louis Zamperini was a bad mofo.

Prayers continued for Tick Tocks daughter, Stroker Ace's wife, and any unspoken.

Please reach out to Santiago and wish him a happy birthday.  It's not like these things happen everyday you know.


Cheez Whiz