Burpees, Blockies and Tires, Oh My!

Event Date

Nov 03, 2018

I think all of us support the efforts our fellow pax make to organize and participate in #CSAUP activities. But for one reason or another, not all of us are always prepared to set aside a large chunk of time for F3 when family life needs to be a priority. Such was the case for seven men in LKN this morning who made it a point to stop by D9 to congratulate those who either ran through the night or offered to volunteer at one of the various exchange zones around the inland sea. But first they gathered at Mighty Jungle because even when life is hectic and we don’t know how the day will play out, we do know that we can start it off with with a little physcial fitness and a chance to sharpen the iron of the men we choose to surround ourselves with in the gloom. This is how we did just that on this chilly morning.


  • SSH x20 IC followed by 1 burpee
  • Toy Soldier x15 IC followed by 2 burpees
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC followed by 3 burpees
  • Windmills x10 IC followed by 4 burpees
  • Cotton Pickers x10 IC followed by 5 burpees


  • People’s Chair with Wonderbra x25 IC
  • Bear Crawl up driveway at school, CDD x20 SC
  • Crab Walk down driveway, LBC x20 SC
  • Repeato the bears and crabs with counts for CDD/LBC going down by 2 each time, stopping at 10
  • People’s Chair with Touch Those Heels x25 IC
  • Muhammad Ali x25 IC
  • Twister’s Patty Cake Plank x10 IC
  • Repeato Muhammad Ali & Patty Cake
  • Praying Mantis x20 IC
  • Balls to the Wall for 30 seconds

Mosey to pull-up bars and grab a block. Zamperini to middle island. YHC had already rolled the tire to the second parking row. Pax take turns running around lot, stopping to flip tire 5x and running the rest of the loop back to blocks. The rest of us did various block exercises, each x15 IC with the next man beginning his run when the previous man flipped the tire for the 5th time.

After all 7 men had a chance at running and flipping, we repeatoed by running the opposite direction. Block exercises included shoulder press, chest press, lawn mowers, skull crushers, low curls, full curls, incline merkins, decline merkins, situps, squats, and the crowd pleaser — blockies. When all had flipped the tire twice, we returned the blocks.


Once the toys were put away, we lined up at the 2nd island for a sprint to cross walk (~50 yards) where we circled up for some ab work.

  • Pretzel Crunch (left) x15 IC
  • Pretzel Crunch (right) x15 IC
  • Ab Rollups x15 IC
  • Airborn Mindbender, 30 seconds
  • Recover…wait for it…recover


  • YHC showed up about 18 minutes early to get flag out and drain the tire as best as possible. When car behind me pulled in to church too, I couldn’t decide why anyone else would be at church so early. Turns out Twister likes the Jungle so much that an hour simply isn’t enough.
  • Hacker was 2nd to arrive. I had to ask who it was because I had thought Hacker was running in the Basin Relay.
  • Cousin Eddie was 3rd. It was my first time meeting him in person, but his story was the same as most of ours: workouts had to happen in the AM is they were going to happen at all. Of course, what’s not the same is recently having twins and needing some time away from the stress.
  • Caesar showed up as we were wrapping up mountain climbers. Someone told him he had to makeup the 3 burpees he had missed. Not sure, but I think he opted to knockout 10. Being the salty pirate I am, I allowed him to do extra and when he wrapped up, I announced the next exercise: 3 burpees. #arrgh
  • I made sure we did some block work today since my kettle bell Q yesterday was a non-traditional one with lots of walking and core work. You’re welcome Rocket.
  • Yes, we likley all know Topgun flew jets while in the Navy. But what you might not have known is that he doesn’t wear Navy shorts to workouts because he misses his military days, but rather because he owns 7 pair. I’d be willing to bet they were cheaper than what they charge for F3 shorts.
  • Although YHC stayed to chat with Caesar for a L-O-N-G time (and caught up with Ganrly Goat sho stopped by to pick up his 2.2 after a lock-in), I think we all made it for some amount of time at D9 to congratulate those who ran through the night. T-Claps to all those who completed the relay, volunteered at the exchanges or defied the fartsack to join me at Mighty Jungle. Hopefully all have got a good head start on a fantastic weekend. Aye!