The gloom was wet and rainy as 17 PAX huddled beneath the small overhang of the library. Someone suggested the parking garage. YHC thought for a minute and was willing to oblidge. The workout just went from bad to worse.
- SSH 20 IC
- Imperial Storm Trooper 15 IC
- Cotton Picker 15 IC
- Mosey to the Flat Iron garage and circle up
The Thang
- Round 1
- 10 burpees OYO, 10 squats IC
- 10 burpees OYO, 10 Muricains IC
- Repeato
- 10 burpees OYO
- Grab some wall for peoples chair + 10 air presses IC
- 10 burpees OYO, 10 lunghes IC
- 10 burpees OYO, 10 CCD's IC
- Repeato
- 10 burpees OYO
- Grab some wall for peoples chair + 10 air presses IC
- Round 2
- 5 burpees OYO, 20 jump squats OYO
- 5 burpees OYO, 10 man maker Muricans IC
- Repeato 2X
- 5 burpees OYO, 20 Mary Katherine's OYO
- 5 burpees OYO, 5 diamond Muricans IC
- Repeato 2X
- 5 burpees OYO
- Grab some wall for peoples chair + 10 air presses IC
- Round 3
- 10 burpees OYO, 5 squats IC
- 5 burpees OYO, 7 squats IC
- 5 burpees OYO, 5 squats IC
- 5 burpees OYO, 10 squats IC
- 10 burpees OYO
Mosey back to the green for COT
- The PAX wanted to stay warm and dry this morning and were rewarded with 200 burpees
- Duvall gave the first BS call somewhere around 70 burpees (a long way to go after that)
- Strong effort by all. We barely moved from where we were standing but absolutely scorched the ground we were on
- Lifting up our F3 brothers who were mentioned today, as well as Devo's friend