Burpees, Burpees, Burpees so many ways to do burpees

Cauldron 01/07/2022


Burpees, Burpees Burpees- so many ways to do a burpee 



15 SSH

10 carrot pullers

10 imperial stormtroopers 




10 rounds each beginning with 5 burpees followed by the KB exercises listed. 

Repeat with a different burpee. 


5 burpees 

  1. Push up 
  2. kettlebell 
  3. Shoulder touch (4 count)
  4. Mountain climber (4 count)
  5. Noctar ninja
  6. box jump or step up
  7. Hand release mericans
  8. Tootsie Roll
  9. sit up roll
  10. Superman 


10 KB exercises 

  1. Swings
  2. Squats 
  3. Press
  4. Curls
  5. Skull crushers 
  6. Upright row
  7. 1 arm snatch clean (5 each arm)
  8. Lawn mower (5 each arm)
  9. 1 arm high pull (5 each arm)
  10. Side bends (5 each side)




5 Sit up to kb press 

Straight leg Dead lift with kb on wall 15 seconds 




Chilly morning with a slight breeze but things heated up quickly. 


The PAX was intrigued about the variety of burpees we would cover.  Of course,  it always seems easy at first with a Flo beat down but eventually it creeps up on you. 


After 7 rounds, remaining time became an issue.  We began reducing reps to 5 on a few kb exercises and also removing a few kb exercises.  


All 50 burpees were completed.


Great work by everyone. 

