Burpees, Burpees Everywhere, so Let’s all Have a… Burpee?

Event Date

Jan 12, 2022

Swamp Fox not in the Pax list yet.  We’ll figure out how to add him.  There’s probably an app for that.
After pondering briefly the absence of Hat Trick, off we went, moseying to the adjacent lot.  A brief disclaimer was given and the first exercise was… 
10 burpees 
SSH X 100
Down Dog
10 burpees
IST x 15
Slow squat x 15
10 burpees
Freddy Mercury x 20
Hand release ‘Merican @ 10
10 burpees
Mosey to the east ramp
Bear crawl up, 10 burpees atop, run around and Dow the steps to the bottom, 20 ‘Mericans
People’s Chair w/ air press
Mosey to West ramp and partner-up for:
100 jump-squats, 200 ‘Mericans, 300 LBCs while you partner runs up and around and down
Mosey back to the launch
10 burpees
WWII @ 20
10 burpees
Dot the I
Touch ‘dem heels
10 burpees
Pass to the Pax.
Freddy Mercury X 10 (Swamp Fox)
Big Baby Crunch (Little Professor)
Elbow Plank and High Plank (Goodlife)
Side Crunch left and right (Rodeo)
Shoulder-touch ‘Merican (Deep Dish)
Recover X2
Naked Moleskin:
1. Thanks for posting, gents
2. Swamp Fox showed up 25 minutes early b/c he hates being late.  We got in a 2 mile standard.
3. Now that Omega has moved to the other side of the tracks, Yosemite has to find his own way to the AO.  Good to see you out there!
4. Prayers up for Li’l Professor’s Grandparents- hoping they are well soon.  Sounds like Grandpa’s a badass
5. Good to see the cold didn’t deter MOST of the regulars.  (Looking your way Travolta and Hat Trick)
6. T-claps to those who went out today and somehow made someone else’s day a little better.