Burpees For Breakfast at LFC

16 PAX converged on LFC for a pre-Men's Breakfast beatdown led by Contra and YHC. It wasn't a matter of if we would do burpees, but how many…

PAX grab a rock and mosey to the side of parking lot. Drop the rocks off at the side of lot and mosey across he parking lot and circle up.


  • SSH 5X IC, 1 burpee
  • SSH 5X IC, 2 burpees
  • SSH 5X IC, 3 burpees
  • SSH 5X IC, 4 burpees
  • SSH 5X IC, 5 burpees

The Thang

Part 1 – Contra

PAX line up opposite end of parking lot facing the rocks

  • Bear crawl to the first parking lot line – 1 burpee
  • Bear crawl every other line – 1 burpee but ADD an additional Murican (i.e. 1 burpee + 2 Muricans, 1 burpee + 3 Muricans, etc.)
  • Continue until PAX do final set with 10 Muricans (total 10 burpees + 55 Muricans)

Grab your rock – Squat, Curl, Press 30X OYO

Repeato burpee/Murican ladder (replace bear crawl with crab walk)

Grab your rock – Squat, Curl, Press 25X OYO

Return rocks, mosey to the pull-up bars and partner up

Burpee pull-up AMRAP

  • Partner 1 – AMRAP burpee pull-ups
  • Partner 2 – Run a lap
    • When P2 returns switch
    • Done when 25 burpee pull-ups are completed

Muricans 10X IC

Part 2 – TBC

PAX line up on island at pull-up bars facing cars – Burpee Suicides commence

  • Run to first island, 1 burpee, run back to starting point, 1 burpee
  • Continue to each island executing 1 burpee at each island and at starting point (5 islands hit in total)

Partner up

Round 1

  • P1 – Pull-ups 5X
  • P2 – Squats 10X OYO
    • Repeato 3 sets (15 pull-ups and 30 squats total for each PAX)
  • Sprint width of parking lot
    • Repeato

Round 2

  • Man Maker Muricans 10X IC
  • Jump lunges 20X OYO
    • Repeato 3 sets
  • Sprint width of parking lot

Round 3

  • P1 – Pull-ups 5X
  • P2 – Squats 10X OYO
    • Repeato 2 sets

PAX line back up for burpee suicides – reduced distance to 3 islands



  • The burpee breakfast was more of a buffet of everything that's awful, but strengthened the PAX in every way – we EARNED the real breakfast that followed
  • TCLAPS to all the PAX for giving everything they had, that was the epitome of a smoke-fest
  • Gray Ghost was a machine on the bear crawl, burpee/Murican ladder – leagues ahead of everyone else
  • Great job to Smokey who did just that on the burpee suicides – well out in front of the PAX, strong effort
  • 7 ruckers took on a 6mi standard with coupons prior to beatdown, some of which couldn't stay for the workout – Etch-A-Sketch, Auto, Mr. Burns, Smokey, 66, Tweetsie, TBC
  • LFC hosted their quarterly men's breakfast, which several PAX stayed for – great message from Dee Lanier, Executive Director for UNCOMMEN. A ton of wisdom on how and why we need to be better men – 2nd & 3rd F was on full display