Burpees keep you warm

15 strong decided that the chilly morning wasn't going to stop them from hopping out of the fartsack, and beat down the cold.  This is how we did it:


-SSH x 25 IC

-IST x 15 IC

-Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

-Toy Soldiers x 15 IC

The Thang

Mosey to the ramp behind Dicks Sporting Goods and Partner up:

P1- Bear Crawl to top of ramp and complete 10 Jump Squats

P2- Burpees(AMRAP)

Flip flop and repeat until 50 Burpees completed

Mosey to the Traffic Circle and keep your partner

P1- Lunge walk around traffic circle stopping at all (4) One Way signs and do 5 Burpees.

P2- Run up parking lot ramp on Dresslers side and do 15 CDD and then run up the Ramp behind Bad Daddy's and do 15 LBC's and then run back to the traffic circle.

Flip flop and Repeato (3 times)

Mosey to Theater and find some wall

-People chair with Air presses x 25 IC

-BTW ( 30 secs)

-WWII sit-ups x 15 OYO

Mosey back to Fountain 


-Low Flutters x 25 IC

-Low Dollys x 20 IC

-Dying Cockroach x 15 IC

-Mason Twists x 15 IC (Magnus)

-Crunchy Frog x 15 IC (Turncoat)

Recover Recover


-Thanks to Holiday for allowing me to lead such a fine group men this morning at Hollywood

-YHC at times got a little loud with the instructions, but Kid Rock kept me in line reminding me that    some people are still trying to sleep and we avoided getting ran off

-If you completed all the burpees, I think we got in about 85

-Sorry Dingo that YHC couldn't find an inside venue for the workout, but thanks for coming out  anyway

-You always have mumblechatter when King Fish shows up, and when someone says "Get down on  your 6's" that doesn't mean sit down on a park bench.

– Wipeout was asking some of the PAX if they eat before working out, because as he put it "If you     don't have the nurishment, your muscles are eating your muscles". Well, it was either King Fish or    Hat Trick that said " My problem is that my fat is eating my muscles".  

-Thanks goes out to my Birkdale CC for always showing up and pushing me no matter the      conditions 

It is truly an honor to lead any F3 workout.  If you haven't tried it, please sign up today, you will not regret it.

Thanks all.
