Burpees were NOT on the Menu at The Cauldron

16 pax found their way to The Cauldron this morning.

Temps were in the high 30s, and 6 pax warmed up with #TheStandard, running in two separate groups – Lego, Smokey, and YHC launched at 0500 for 2.7 miles through Rosedale neighborhood and down the greenway.  Auto, Dingo, and Peddler launched 10 mins later and passed the first group on the greenway.

Gray Ghost linked up with HoneyBee for an 8 mile tempo at a ridiculous pace before hitting the second half of Cauldron.  Beast.

At 0530, we moseyed around the parking lot and circled up for a disclaimer and….


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Windmill x 15 IC
  • Cotton Picker x 15 IC
  • Mountain Climber x 15 IC
  • Sloooow Merican x 10 IC


Grab kettlebells for Round 1 of following sequence:

  • KB Swing x 10 OYO
  • Goblet Squat x 10 OYO
  • KB Full Curl x 10 IC
  • KB Squat to Press x 10 OYO
  • KB Lawnmower x 10 OYO (each arm)
  • KB Lateral Lunge (alternating direction) + Upright Row x 10 OYO
  • KB One-Arm Thrusters x 10 OYO (each arm)
  • KB Skullcrushers x 10 IC

Partner up for partner plank situps – 25 each.

Repeato above KB sequence, increasing reps on each exercise to 15.

Partner up for partner plank situps – 25 each.

Partner up for the following:

  • Partner 1 farmers carry both KBs to end of parking lot while Partner 2 does Low Flutter AMRAP.  Flip-flop.
  • Partner 1 farmers carry both KBs to middle of 1st and 2nd islands while Partner 2 does CDDs AMRAP.  Flip-flop.
  • Partner 1 farmers carry both KBs to 1st island while Partner 2 does Hand Release Mericans AMRAP.  Flip-flop.

Repeato original KB sequence above, back to 10 reps on each exercise.

Time check – 6:08.  Mosey to wall of school for:

  • People's Chair 30 sec
  • Touch Them Heels x 15 IC
  • Short Recover
  • People's Chair 30 sec
  • Air Press x 15 IC

Mosey back to parking lot for MARY:

  • Homer to Marge x 3
  • Low Dolly x 15 IC
  • Mason Twist x 15 IC

Recover, recover.


  • Solid turnout at The Cauldron on a chilly morning, and an excellent group of pax.  Thanks to everyone for making it out.  Really enjoyed leading this group.
  • It was also YHC's first KB Q.  Already looking forward to the next one.  As DH noted, they can be tougher to get through without a Weinke, because you're typically cycling through a bunch of exercises.  YHC brought a Weinke, but didn't refer to it, and left out one exercise.  Cobains – you all have homework now: 10 KB chest presses OYO, followed by 15, and then another 10.  YHC will swallow his pride next time, and refer to the Weinke.
  • YHC promised no burpees, and we did no burpees.  YHC promised no running, and we only moseyed a bit.  YHC could not promise no Mericans, because YHC cares about your fitness.
  • We had just enough KBs to go around.  Ghost showed halfway through the workout and got stuck with the 8 lb baby blue bell, drawing some perhaps unfair criticism, given that it wasn't his bell, he'd just run an 8 mile tempo, and he got down 50% further on squats than anyone else.  But YHC had partnered up with him, and definitely had to switch arms halfway through the farmers carries.  Don't want Quagmire arms.
  • Lots of fly-bys this morning.  Ghost and HoneyBee flew by on their tempo run, and I think Odyssey may have flown by twice?  Always love a good fly-by.
  • Dingo's dingo (boxer?) was present, and is becoming an F3 regular.  She also nabbed YHC's gloves during Mary.  Think she's saying she's ready to graduate from running to beatdowns, Dingo.
  • DonHo took us out, and we lifted up the Schneider and Lego families.
  • Thanks to Spare for the opportunity to lead.  Also, I believe I saw on Slack that Spare is looking to hand over the MQ keys to this fine AO.  Thanks for your leadership, Spare.  Great opportunity for someone to step up.  Just to get the ball rolling, I will go ahead and pledge an immediate Q to the next MQ.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.  I'm forever grateful.
