Burpees were the card of choice in the “Deck of Death!”

18 brave souls dared to take on the Deck of Death.

First we took a lap then over to Toxics Jeep to grab 2 blocks apiece then over to court for warm up.

SSH with bricks x 15

Brickmill x 15

Brick layers(cotton picker w/brick) x 15

Arm circles with bricks

The Thang

Wednesday night I was looking at F3 Nation and saw this thing called the Deck of Death and just had to try it.

Each suit represents an exercise, in this case:

Spades – Burpees

Clubs – Blast off Merkins

Diamonds – Crab jacks

Hearts – Monkey Humpers

We kept going round the circle allowing PAX to draw card and the suit decides exercise and number or face determined amount. 2-10 being same Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13 and Ace=14.  I felt the Jokers should not be left out and this deck had three so whenever a joker was drawn, we did 20 of whatever exercise we just completed prior.

I will not go into detail about each pick only list below the amount of each exercise below

Burpees – 112 We got a joker on this one!

Crab jacks – 89 Joker

Monkey Humpers – 78 Joker

Blast off Merkins – 63

Did not get through the whole deck so that we could make use of the rope that The Force brought for MWAR(Mary With A Rope)

Gathered round the Three point line and did exercise while PAX took turns on Rope.  I do not remember all the exercises but know I called JLo, many of the PAX called exerices that we could do with the blocks and that after telling me to "Go to hell" after a set of burpees, Blackberry called 10 burpees.


I wrestled with whether or not to make burpees one of the exercises since I hate them.  After giving up Qing them for Lent I decided to go ahead with it.

The PAX felt I had stacked the deck especially when we start with Burner drawing the Ace of Spades and Jenny following up with the Joker.  34 burpees right off the bat really sucks.

By the way only the 8 and 4 of spades were not drawn, so everyone still owes 12 burpees.  Honor code here.

We welcome Alan Stapleton, EH by Jedi, to his first post.  Come back soon.

Thank you always to The Force for giving me the keys.  Always a pleasure.

The Force shared with us his experience through his time out of work and looking for new employment and the frustrations and eventually the joy in finding the right fit.  We all need to remember to wait on the Lord.  He is faithful.

Also prayers for Olafs mother, Carolyn.

Prayers for Olive and his family during this time of year.  We love you brother!

Prayers out to all F3 men struggling in marriages.  May we all reach out to each other when in need.

I am blessed everytime I am around you men.  I love and appreciate you all.

Numbers 6:24-26
