Burpees will make you faster

Event Date

Jun 08, 2022

12 hard-chargers (including Matlock, Twilight & Messi not on the website) showed their speed and vertical jump at Ludicrous Speed. Here is their story: 

Disclaimer was present and necessary. We warmed up with a couple laps and the usual Isotope warm-a-rama.

Theme of this morning was recover on the curves and run the straights hard. Steadfast method to getting faster #1 was go slower on the recovery runs and faster on the hard runs, even if you have to walk on the slow. Steadfast method to getting faster #2 was do more burpees.

Run 1 lap with 2 hard runs then circle up for mericans x 10 IC and burpees x 2 OYO

Run 2 laps with 4 hard runs then circle up for WWII situps x 10 OYO and burpees x 4 OYO

Run 3 laps with 6 hard runs then circle up for LBCs x 10 IC and burpees x 6 OYO

Run 4 laps with 8 hard runs then circle up for WWII situps x 10 OYO and burpees x 8 OYO

Cooled down with another couple easy laps and finished with burpees x 10 OYO, well some of us did.

If you completed all of the hard runs, you should have ended up with ~4 miles total. Messi took the early lead but was outlasted by Matlock which cleared all other pax by at least half a lap by the end. Twilight was not far behind. Gambini was with the lead pack until succombing to a reinjury. Heal up brother. Memo worked the hardest. The Force grabbed a block so he had somewhere to sit to watch the rest of us do burpees. It was soft.

Stray and TBone tried their best to bail at 38 min but fought through the full time. Someone should tell the Ludicrous Speed pax that there are no rules in F3. They have all of them. Snake Eyes is one of those pax that brightens YHC's day everytime we post together. Oh and he is fast. Calypso is fresh off medaling at his half ironman. Congrats brother. When is storytime over coffee? 9 Lives didn't rick roll us this morning so we'll call that a win. 

Thanks for the opportunity to Q at Ludicrous Speed BEP. Thanks to the LFC Men's Ministry for the EH (Email Headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Thanks to Stray for taking us out at COT. You men are awesome and the reason it is worth getting up early to run fast and jump a full 2 inches on burpees. Go give it away…