Burping Kettlebells

Event Date

Feb 23, 2018

FNG-1 is Miranda, get signed up bud!

Warm up

  • Wind Mills
  • Hug yourself
  • Arm Circles
  • Jumping Jacks x 20 IC
  • Mercians x 10 IC

The Thang

  • KB Russian Swing – 60 Seconds
  • KB Reverse Lunge – 60 Seconds
  • Squat & Press – 60 Seconds
  • Clean – 60 Seconds
  • Press Ups – 60 Seconds
  • Sit & Press- 60 Seconds

Initial plan was to do 10 Burpees between each excercise for round 1 then 10 mountain climbers for round 2 and 10 push ups for round 3.  However, Q got hazed about too many burpees so some pax ran, then Q went to mountain climbers before round 1 was almost finished, somwhere after the press ups.

After round 2 we did a fast KB walk to the flag pole and back.

We also added some situps in between some of the exercises along the way.  Also switched to some other exercises like curls and clean & press.


I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
—Philippians 4:13

Jesus had a humble heart. If He abides in us, pride will never dominate our lives. Jesus had a loving heart. If He dwells within us, hatred and bitterness will never rule us. Jesus had a forgiving and understanding heart. If He lives within us, mercy will temper our relationships with our fellowmen. Jesus had an unselfish heart. If He lives in us, selfishness will not predominate, but service to God and others will come before our selfish interests.


  • Hefty and Ziploc had to go up a size on their tank tops because they have been hitting the bells hard.
  • Spork, Clubber and C# got some extra running in, but missed out on lots of burpees 🙂
  • Sounds like spork has some running planned for tomorrows workout.