“Burpocolypse” – The Sequel

It was sticky, it was wet and it was dark…the perfect backdrop for the "burpocolypse" sequel.  The PAX gathered, nine in all plus YHC for a second running of this heart stopping workout.  Three of the PAX (Turnpike, YHC and Landshark) gathered for a smooth 2nd F standard 2.x miles.  The PAX were talkative at the start, but that quickly changed as we got to it.  Here is the blow by blow – enjoy!

WARM-O-RAMA (all IC except where noted)

SSH x 25

Toy Soldier x 15

IST x 15

Cotton Pickers x 10

Seal Claps x 20


Mosey to the track – warm up lap


Sprint 200 then 10 Burpees

Sprint 200 then 8 Burpees

Sprint 200 then 6 Burpees

Sprint 200 then 4 Burpees

Sprint 200 then 2 Burpees

10-count (mublechatter all but non existent by this point)

Reverse and Repeato back up the ladder

Sprint 200 then 2 Burpees

Sprint 200 then 4 Burpees

Sprint 200 then 6 Burpees

Sprint 200 then 8 Burpees

Sprint 200 then 10 Burpees

YHC called a 10-count, slosey to rock pile, pick non traveling rock

Squat w/rock x 10IC

Low curl x 10

High Curl x 10

Full Curl x 10

Shoulder Press x 10

Skull Crushers x 10

Mosey to parking lot for Mary


Touch them heels

Low Flutter


Big Baby Crunch

Elbow Plank


  • Strong work from the PAX despite the soupy weather…This was the harder of the two workouts and YHC was smoked
  • Skywalker thanks for coming out everytime I Q love the support!  Nice to see the young guys out there working hard to get the good habits in place now that will serve you will for the rest of your life
  • I found out today that 9lives does not unzip for anyone…not sure what this is all about but I am sure someone will find out
  • Cutting it short, got to go to work…until the next time

TBone Out!