But Burlap Chaffs Me So…

Event Date

Oct 07, 2017

Warmorama: TS x 15, IST x 15, 3 slow mericans

The Thang:

Run 3/4 mile

  • Dead hang pullups
  • 10 slow mericans
  • Burpees
  • Run 1/4 mile
  • Repeato, Laddering to 5.

Run 3/4 mile

The Moleskine:

  • Actuaries are to blame for the length of the typical major league baseball game.  The statistics are ruling the line-ups and when to switch pitchers, which in fact, take time.  So if we can blame the numbers, let's do it.  Next week we will complain about real estate derivatives and the longer life expectancy of the boomer age.
  • Folks like the feel of newspapers.  Burlap is chaffy, too.
  • El Tigre wants to bring back the weekly run workout.  Anyone game?  4-5 miles before the day starts?
  • Is butt-smacking a masculine sign of encouragement or cause of litagation?  Apparently its all in the hands.  Cupping not allowed. 
  • 911 was recruiting the yard sale patrons.  No takers yet.
  • "Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name. … Nevertheless, do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven." Luke 10:17   Whats in a name?  Everything.
  • Always an honor to lead fine men.