Buy In … Buy Out

Missing – Dora, LB, Buckner, Seabiscuit and one other who I can't remember but given my advanced years it's acceptable. Weigh in below if you were there or know who it is.

I started with the Disclaimer and then announced that if you wanted to workout there was a 10 Burpee "Buy In". Thanks to Turn and Cough in Myrtle Beach for introducing me to this treat. After the burpees we headed to DUMC, no warm up on The Green. Once we got to DUMC we circled up and did the usual for warmup. Then we picked up two bricks. I gave everyone one simple rule, no putting the bricks down unless I told you too. The rounds went something like this:.

  • 25 IC of Alternating Curls, Skull Crushers, Side & Front Arm Raises
  • Quick jog to the dumpster
  • 20 IC of Alternating Curls, Skull Crushers, Side & Front Arm Raises
  • Quick jog to the dumpster
  • Two pax put the bricks down so there was a burpee penalty
  • 15 IC of Alternating Curls, Skull Crushers, Side & Front Arm Raises
  • Quick jog
  • 10 IC of Alternating Curls, Skull Crushers, Side & Front Arm Raises
  • Put up the bricks and grab a paver for Overhead Press x 10 IC and Cruls (because you have to do curls) x 10 IC
  • Put up the pavers and head to the Pull Up Bars. In my email preblast I said we'd do one pull up so we did ONE pull up.
  • Over to the wall for People's Chair, arms hanging down, arms out fornt, arms overhead, and arms hanging down.
  • Back to The Green for Mary
  • I threw in a quick round of Dips and Incline "Mericans before actually doing Mary

And, since everyone "Bought In" you had to "Buy Out"…5 Burpees.

Recover, Recover


Naked Man Moleskin:

Today I am 56 years and 365 days, tomorrow I will be 57! Fifty Freaking Seven! I don't know why but that number is bothering me. When I turned 50, no big deal, when I turned 55, no big deal. But 57…it bothers me! So, as I celebrate another trip around the sun I want to thank the men of F3 Nation, and the men of F3 Lake Norman in particular for the motivation and encouragement I get from you guys each and every day. I am in the best shape I've been in since my 20's, maybe even better. You guys have, dare I say, turned me into a runner. I think I've run more in one day than I ever ran in my life! It's fun to workout with you guys, pass you guys (clearly because we're headed in opposite directions) on a run, do long distance relays, watch you guys run a marathon, have lunch together, enjoy beers together, etc. Each and everyone of you has made me a better man and, quite a few of you have become good friends. So, while I struggle with turning 57 I know it won't be hard because you guys will give me the motivation to continuing getting better. And, when I do stumble, I know you let me hear about it and for that I will be forever grateful.

I humbly thank all of you,
