Bye-Bye Ghost Flag, We hardly knew ye!

15 appeared from the muggy gloom to do some running.  Fun was had, sweat was produced, gasping for air occured (ok, maybe just the Q) and a Ghost Flag was acquired.


15        IC         SSH

15        IC         IST

15        IC         Mtn Climbers

15        IC         ‘Mericans

15        IC         Cotton Pickers

15        IC         Tony Hawks

15        IC         Windmills



Start with a 1/6 mile (approximate) parking lot mosey lap, then do parking lot suicides, repeat with different exercises mixed in with the suicides:

–           Sprint to 1st line (20 yds) – 3 reps of named exercise

–           Sprint to 2nd line (40 yds) – 2 reps of named exercise

–           Sprint to top (60 yds) – 1 rep of named exercise

–           Plank until all complete


Lap around the parking lot

Round 1: Straight-up Suicides (no exercise)

Round 2: Burpees with our suicides


Lap around the parking lot

Round 3: 1 lap – ‘Mericans with our suicides

Round 4: 1 lap – ‘LBCs with our suicides


Lap around the parking lot

Round 5: Q heard someone say “bear crawl” – ok then, if you say so…

Sprint to 1st line, Bear Crawl to 2nd line, Sprint to 3rd.

Round 6: Burpees with our suicides


Lap around the parking lot

Round 7:  Straight-up Suicides (no exercise)


Maybe some Tubthumping?  Yeah, let’s do some Tubthumping. 

Side Straddle Hops for the duration of Chumbawumba’s hit from the late 90’s.  Each time you hear “I get knocked down, but I get up again” – do a burpee (27 burpees – we counted)




Everyone picks an exercise for 5 reps

Sonar (WD) – Dr. W’s

Closer – Reverse Crunches

Outlaw – Twisted Marge (??)

9 lives – Dying Cockroach

C# – J Lo’s

Ziplock – Freddie Mercury’s

Goodwrench – Box Cutters

Calypso – Burpees

Was there someone else here?  (my recording glitched at this point)

SilverBullet (WB) – Hip Bridge 

Diesel – Low Flutters

DoubleCheck  – Crunchy Frog

Blackbeard – Reverse Box Cutters

Clark – Low Plank Hops

Mulligan – Peter Parkers

Cyclone – LBCs



Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Our group experienced a couple of setbacks this week regarding some of the folks we are regularly praying for.   It is hard to remember, during times such as this, that we won’t always understand or agree with God’s plan but, if we have faith, we know that He has a reason for everything he sends our way.

I continue to be amazed at the strength and the true faith that I have witnessed from the family members and those affected by these events.



  • Had an awesome time with our six Ghost-Flag-stealing friends from Huntersville this morning.  Q wishes he had a little more notice as he would have cleaned up a bit and given a proper tour of the facilities.
  • Kudos to Clark and several of our visitors for getting in a 2-mile run pre-workout.
  • Yes, the Q uses a water bottle for a 45-minute workout – get over it 😉
  • SSHs and Burpees through a 4:38 song doesn’t sound like too much (especially if you wait until the intro ends at 28 seconds in) but the Q saw a lot of people taking breaks toward the end of the song.  Who knew that SSHs could feel worse than burpees?
  • Today’s workout reminded the Q of just how much he still hates running 😉
  • Truly honored to lead this morning.