Huntersville Half season is upon us and the Caboose is on the plan.
MQ pb'd 0515 run to HFFA for 5 miles with options to audible for less.
2 did 6
1 did 5
4 did 4 * ** *** ****
* Well according to Strava 1 of 4 only did 3 due to watch operator failure
** 1 of 4 did 5.5, taking advantage of being an east-sider and ran to the AO. And bummed a ride home afterward !
*** 1 of 4 dictated the route and tried to make us run faster, and his name rhymes with Tee-bone
**** 1 of 4 was a firefighter and told some good jokes about cops becoming cops after failing a firefighter exam
- TandP for the MQ
- Other things of note happened, but this backblast is really just to get credit for the 100 post gimmick. So if you want to know what else happened, then ask (inserty name here).