Caboose went off the tracks

Event Date

May 23, 2024

4 pax and 1 only-doodle took to the Stephen’s Grove trails.

Got 4 miles in on the trails.

Good fellowship run.

The trails are great.

COT happened as well as Coffeeteria at Lowes.

Off the tracks moleskin:

  • thanks Enron, Cherry Bomb, and Cobra for the encouragement and support on the run.  It was great and just what I needed.  Like I said, I can’t wait until that loop becomes easy.  That only happens with repetition.  Can’t wait to do it again.
  • tclaps to Cherry Bomb for playing the role of web-crusher most of the route.
  • much needed since we were only 8.3 feet into the route when Enron stopped and started flicking spiders on the Q
  • I think it was about a year ago that Cobra began F3.  Now if you notice, he does every workout and the OCR CSAUPs and is always in the mix.  So cool to see.
  • What I learned today:  Its been said “set a man of fire and people will come from miles to watch him burn.”  It is that way with Enron.  He is so on fire for ultra running and trail running.  Every time you talk to him he is talking about it.  He is studying it so the conversations are great and end up expanding what you know.  Isn’t that the point of conversation… add value to the receiving audience.  But here is what I learned.  Many times when people gain a new passion they can get snobby or elitist about it.  Enron ain’t that way.  He talks about it with an exuberance and a respect for it that makes it enticing.  And he is encouraging to all to try it and do what they can.  So be an Enron.  Find something you really like, embrace it, and allow it to become a passion, then become an inclusive evangelist for it.  That is how you both create a community and add value to it.  And isn’t community building a tenet of F3.