Cadence Sh*tshow at Arnie’s

Event Date

Mar 22, 2021

9 pax posted to Arnie's Army this morning to watch the old Arnie's Army MQ turn in a lousy performance in the cadence department.

Prior the beatdown, 3 pax – Auto, Lego, and Poptart – ran a NOT-2nd-F-paced #Standard.  YHC was planning to join them, but woke up with a sore right foot after running a few times over the weekend, and decided to give it a day off.  As I was driving over to the AO, I saw the 3 pax running back in, and man, they were hauling ass.  Definitely a good call to skip the #Standard today.  I would've been even more sore, not to mention totally gassed for my Q.


Short mosey around the AO, circle up.  Forgot the disclaimer, but pax were all veterans and well aware of the deal.

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Squat x 10 IC
  • Merican x 10 IC


Mosey to the front entrance of the AO.  Think one pax remarked that we'd "never stopped here before," which made me wonder – what other areas of this AO have we not used / not used enough?  Perhaps we should try to hit some other / new corners of the AO.  Anyway…..

Commence descending curb-crawl mericans – all pax bear crawl from curb on one side of driveway to curb on other side, complete 10 mericans OYO, bear crawl back to original curb, complete 9 mericans, and so on, bear crawling, down to 1 merican.  Don't know about the rest of the pax, but I was pretty gassed after these.

Mosey to picnic benches.

  • Step up x 10 each leg OYO
  • Dip x 15 IC

Mosey to blocks.  Each pax grab one and return to parking lot.

Set 1

  • Curl x 10 IC
  • Overhead Press x 10 IC
  • Squat x 10 IC
  • Skullcrusher x 10 IC
  • Lawnmower x 5 IC each arm
  • Chest Press x 10 IC
  • Bent Over Row x 10 IC

Mosey lap around parking lot.

  • Return for Set 2 – same exercises / rep counts, but all S-L-O-W reps.

Mosey lap around parking lot.

  • Return for Set 3 – same exercises / rep counts, but all S-L-O-W reps in reverse, i.e., start curl in flexed position and un-curl, start OH press in press position and slowly lower block, etc. 

Zamperini blocks to grass.

  • Block Webbs (Merican followed by OH Press while on knees) from 1 rep each all the way up to 7 reps each

Replace blocks.  Mosey back to picnic benches.

  • Step up x 10 each leg OYO
  • Dip x 15 IC
  • Touch That Butt x 15 IC

Mosey back to lit area of parking lot.

  • Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Captain Thor (WWII Situp followed by 4-count American Hammer) from 1 rep each all the way up to 8 reps each
  • Low Flutter x 20 IC and hold for….
  • Low Dolly x 10 IC
  • Merican x 15 IC (Auto)

Recover, recover.


  • Thanks to MQ Tuffy for the opportunity to Q.  We missed him this morning – he was away with family for spring break.  Think that he would have enjoyed how little we ran for this one.  Roadie would have as well.  Goatbuster Qs have been killing those guys with all the running lately.
  • Speaking of Goatbusters, great to have so many out there today, including Smokey who has been hitting the bootcamps hard lately.  April calendar at Arnie's is full of Goatbuster Qs…. we have quite a Q streak going.  Hopefully we can keep it going in May and get some Qs / posts from Professor, Gray Ghost, Cooter, Snoopy, Frodo, Breakfast Club, etc.
  • Awesome to have Soprano and Omega at Arnie's as well this morning.  It was like the good ole days.  Would love to see more of the old Arnie's crew out that we haven't seen post there in awhile, e.g., Callahan, Ninja Turtle, Landline, The Geek, Kid Rock, Magnus, Stromboli, Tiramisu, Dry Rub, Boarhog, etc., etc.  Perhaps warmer weather will bring some of them out?
  • Workout was apparently not tough enough for all pax.  Auto was wearing a weight vest all morning, and Uncle Rico was getting extra reps on every exercise and sprinting all over the AO.  These guys are hard to challenge!
  • YHC cadence calling (and instruction giving) was awful today.  Just off the top of my head: (1) I started in the wrong position during reverse S-L-O-W skullcrushers, which then screwed up the count; (2) forgot what number I was on during Block Webbs; (3) didn't explain Captain Thors very well; and then (4) kept screwing up the American Hammer cadence part of the Captain Thors.  Pax gave the Q an earfull, and I deserved it.  What a mess.
  • Captain Thors are an actual F3 exercise.  Pax didn't believe me.  I did 'em years ago at an F3 Nashville workout.  Think I may have gotten Moroccan Nightclubs from Nashville as well.  Pax would probably prefer that I left some of these exercises in Nashville.
  • When burpees were called, Auto remarked that the Q had definitely reached the end of his weinke and was just making stuff up at that point.  Was it that obvious?
  • Lego took us out in prayer.  I try not to give that up too often, as I see it somewhat as part of Q's responsibility, but I did throw it to the pax this morning.  Lego often steps up in those moments, and always delivers a great message.  Thanks, brother.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016….. I'm forever grateful.
