Cage Match

Event Date

Apr 16, 2016

5 PAX on a beautiful morning.

Warm Up:
10 IC Windmill
10 IC MC

The Thang:
Parking lot island zigzag mosey, ending at tennis courts, everyone onto the court, close the cage gates!

  1. 1 round regular suicides

  2. Bear crawl across 1 tennis court, mosey back

  3. ½ run lap around courts, ½ burpees (Switch & Repeat)

  4. ½ karaoke L across courts and back, ½ crab cakes (Switch & Repeat)

  5. ½ karaoke R across courts and back, ½ hillbillies (Switch & Repeat)

  6. ½ run lap around courts, ½ LBC (Switch & Repeat)

  7. ½ run backwards down and back, ½ Carolina Dry Docks (Switch & Repeat)

  8. ½ run lap around courts, ½ R leg pistol squats on fence (Switch & Repeat)

  9. ½ run lap around courts, ½ L leg pistol squats on fence (Switch & Repeat)

  10. ½ high knees across courts mosey back, ½ burpees (Switch & Repeat)

  11. ½ butt kickers across courts mosey back, ½ SSH (Switch & Repeat)

  12. ½ run lap around courts, ½ burpees (Switch & Repeat)

  13. ½ sprint across mosey back, ½ Merkins (Switch & Repeat)

  14. ½ backwards lap around, ½ squats (Switch & Repeat)

  15. ½ lunge walk across courts, ½ Monkey Humpers (Switch & Repeat)

  16. ½ run lap around court, ½ Dr. W’s (Switch & Repeat)

  17. ½ mosey across courts and back, ½ Dying cockroach (Switch & Repeat)

    Pick a Random number (1-17) and repeat as needed to fill time.

    *This was done 4 times.

Mary Go Round:
C# – 15 IC Freddy Merk
Frisbee – 15 IC Dying Cockroach
Abrams – 15 Low Flutter
Diesel – 15 IC WWI Sit Ups
Sonar – 15 IC Peter Parkers

Psalm 123:1God, Sovereignty Of  To You I lift up my eyes, O You who are enthroned in the heavens!

Stuck in a cage? Looking for direction?  Look up!


  • Frisbee is the man, coordinates to have his dad drop him off, a ride to coffee, to be picked up by his mom, so he can get in his workout.I hear you man, now that’s showing everyone what dedication is!

  • Couple of us roll to Burn Boot Camp at 9 for Phoenix Physical Therapy demo, free injury prevention class.