Calendar, mmph, What Calendar?

Event Date

May 04, 2019


After being on the road all week, I popped up the calendar to see the Q space as "blank" for SVU for Saturday.  I thought someone was managing it? #NotMyPotus  #SkipperForPotus2022

FNG was Salty, who posted with us a few months back and came back for more.

I quickly formulated a plan in my head for a workout that would involve touring each house that was participating in this years Sailview Garage Sale.  BUT, Metro had a 2.0 in the van soooooo Plan B went like this:

Warm UP:


10 IC Toy Soliders

10 IC Tony Hawks

10 IC Low Country Crab Cakes

10 IC Windmills

Mosey to the Back, partner up

Round 1:

Partner 1 Trail Runs while Partner 2 alternates Pull Ups and Deep Squats

Round 2:

Partner 1 Trail Runs while Partner 2 alternates Hanging Australian Rows and Front Lunge Squats

Round 3:

Partner 1 Trail Runs while P2 alternates Split-Squats on the bench and Block Curls

Round 4:

Partner 1 Trail Runs while P2 alternates Pistol Squats and Skull Crushers

Round 5:

P1 Trail Runs; P2 = Fire Hydrants and Block Presses

Mosey to the front

2 Rounds or QuadsUwillFeelaYa up LBH 🙂

Same Partners:

P1: Burpees; P2: Charge Up LBH (Repeat 3 Times)

Sucide/Merkin Finisher:

Line up at end of parking lot.  There are 8 lines in front of us.  Sprint to last line and do 8 Merkins, sprint back, Sprint to Line 7, 7 Merkins, working your way back down to Line 1.



11 IC Dr. W (Metro)

10 IC Hand Touch to Straight Leg Lift Crunch thingys (Cheetah)

10 IC Freddies

:30 American Hammas

Reflection:  Provided by Cheetah

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


 – Great to see Salty back.  He didn't say much, but he said it with his effort

 – Cheetah pushed me on the trail runs.  Great to tackle that tough hill multiple times at max effort.

 – Metro didn't say much either today?  But I welcomed his one suggestion to do some burpees

 – Pleasure to lead and be led by you today Gentlemen.  Great reflection today.  Humbleness is something most men struggle with as we are called upon to lead at work and in our families.  A healthy balance is required.

 – Great 2nd workout today at Jeeve's M's Leukemia fundraiser.  Khaleda run is next weekend!