Can I get a 10 count?

Event Date

Aug 24, 2023


5 at Cobalt for another humid Thursday. Warm-up was the regular stuff with G-RIP leading the Windmills. All felt right in the world with him back in the saddle. 

Main Event

Run to parking lot on Preservation Pointe. Launch from parking lot. 20 X abs of choice at launch. Run to cul-de-sac on left for 20 X merkins OYO. Run back to launch point for 20 X abs of choice. Run to cul-de-sac on right for 20 X CDD OYO. Repeat for 2.5 reps. 

Run back to clubhouse. Stopped along the way for: 10 X merkins, 10 X crunchy frog, 15 X each, 20 X each, 15 X each, 10 X each (between 2 stops). G-RIP needed a 10 count at one point……man it was humid out there.

3.25 miles running. 


Lots of good discussion. Had to be there to hear it. Thanks for taking us out Natty Lite.