Can I Get a 10 Count Please!!!

Event Date

Sep 30, 2021


The Force made it clear today that this was the only AO without a Q on the calendar today.  After figuring out why and who would be Q'ing the next 6 weeks, we proceeded under the leadership of the MQ:

Warm Up:

Mosey through and around the parking lot to the top lot, circle up for SSH; LS; TS; IST; WM

Grab a line for 20 Line Hops IC/Bear Crawl/10 Squats IC/Bear Crawl  (We did this 3 times before Hat Trick complained soe we stopped that and got some blocks)


1. 3 sets of 15 curls and Shoulder Press (In between sets we partnered up and ran around the islands in opposite direction; when we met up we did 10 merkins and then did 10 more when we got back to the blocks)

2. 3 sets of 10 skull crushers and 10 lawnmowers (L and R) (In between sets we ran as above but did 5 WW2 situps instead of the merkins)


Low Flutter/Box Cutter combo!!!!

Recover Recover


Great work men!!!  It was great to see Swede out after a long break.  Can someone please teach him how to use Twitter!!!!  The Force was like a magnet today… he walked in to the AO the cars came swarming in!!!!!  The cats out of the bag that Gambini is running for public office!!!… you know who to blame when those Eric Rowell signs are in your neighborhood!!!!  Good Luck!!!……Was Bob Ross there today, didnt hear a word…..quiet worker!!!!……Good thing Snake Eyes showed up so we knew when to get started!!!!!!  Big shout out to Hat Trick today as he started a new trend in the 10 count as he worked it all the way down to 1 and 1/128th…….

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!!!

Until next time!!!!
