Can Taco Tuesday happen in Race City too?

Event Date

Apr 03, 2018

    Last Tuesday YHC snuck into PRoD to get a look at what had been until now, the northernmost edition of Taco Tuesday.  I have thought about it all week, can Race City have a Taco Tuesday? Where would we meet, would the tacos be good enough, and the service quick enough? Well now there are answers.

    About 11am today Rent-a-cop and YHC were discussing lunch options for the day I tossed out the idea of a TT at La Unica, and we decided to give it a try. We got there, and almost as soon as we were seated they brought a huge bowl of chips and two containers of salsa (one hot and one mild). The waiter came along to take our order, and YHC must have confused him with my request for a water to drink. He left to consult his personal copy of the Rosetta Stone, and returned with a handwritten note that read "you must purchase a drink to recieve tacos for $1". That's right $1 tacos. I promptly ordered a tea, and 5 tacos. Two pollo, two asada, and one barbacoa. R-A-C ordered two pollo, and two chorizo. We were happy to recieve a second more full basket of chips immediately after we placed our order. Our tacos were delivered, and we were certainly not sorry about our choices. All in I was about $7.50 not too bad for so many tacos. So to answer the question, "Can Taco Tuesday happen in Race City too", yes, yes it can, and yes it will.