Can we get some snow already!!!

Event Date

Feb 01, 2021

We had a strong showing of 9 pax on a chilly, moist morning.  As Ultraman was parking (backing in), a tree came out of nowhere and jumped behind his car.  Luckily Toxic saw the kamikaze maneuver and alerted Ultraman at the last second.  Fatigue may have been a factor here as this was Ultraman’s 35th post in the last 30 days.  We then gave Rodeo until 0531 and he showed up right on time.  We were off.


  • Side straddle hops – 15
  • Carrot pullers – 15
  • Imperial storm troopers – 15
  • Slow windmill – 5

The Thang 

3 Rounds of

  • 15 Burpees
  • 20 WW2s
  • 10 Pullups
  • Run a lap

4 Rounds of

  • 10 merkins
  • 20 squats
  • Bear Crawl 30 yards, run back

On the final run back I alerted the pax that the winner got to start Mary.  Unfortunately, Toxic jump the gun (as usual) and won easily.


  • Toxic – Creeping elbow planks
  • Enron – LBCs (because I was exhausted from Toxic’s BS)
  • Rodeo – yes, the glut bridge has official been renamed the “Rodeo”
  • Bubble Wrap – heel touchers since we were already in position
  • Crocs – mobility moments (plural)
  • Cheddar – high knees
  • Rocket – Marge Simpsons
  • Goodlife – Squats – alot
  • Ultraman – Boxcutters, right leg then left


  • Nice to see Bubble Wrap out for his 2nd straight week.  He mentioned he was so glad he was not named after Amen’s EPIC crop-dusting that he received the week before.
  • Toxic pondered how Cheddar’s nickname was not law enforcement related and I concur.  We may need a renaming soon.

Big thanks to everyone for coming out on a cold, wet morning!  Please keep Tick Tock’s family and Double Trouble’s family in your thoughts and prayers.

See you in the gloom,
