Can We Just Run?

Event Date

Jan 20, 2018

Safe travels and running/walking/crawling/slipping/sliding to all the PAX at the WWC trailrace! May you return safe and unharmed. However, I hear Hefty has a boot he can sell in a few weeks!



Mosey to bus lot


15 IC Imperial Squat Walkers

10 Outlaws – Sitting in the position for flutter kicks, keep your feet together and make a big "O" with them.

The Thang

10 IC Decline merkins, on small wall

10 IC Dips on benches

10 IC Mike Tyson’s

Mosey to pull-up bar

Morning Call – All but one PAX get into push-up position and hold the up position while one guy counts off doing 5 pull-ups. Every time a pull-up is called out, the PAX does a merkin. After 5 pull-ups, he joins the PAX and the next guy gets up and calls out his 5 pull-ups. The cycle continues until all have performed 5 pull-ups. No one leaves the push-up position unless it’s his turn to call out pull-ups or until all calls have been made.

AMRAP – Lunge jumps. Partner up with P1 doing AMRAP lunge jumps while P2 completes squats while counting, so much fun REPEATO!

RPS – four corners setup, 1) Squats 2) Lunges 3) Burpees 4) LBC. YHC starts in middle, next pax and YHC complete RPS winner decides where loser begins, and that pax completes 25 reps of specific exercise. Once complete back in line. Winner of RPS completes squats until the next pax is ready.

Merkin mile 1/2 mile (if needed) ¼ mile run then 25 merkins, first lap mosey (while kicking around a soccer ball we found) last lap backwards mosey. 



IC 15 Flutter Kicks

IC 15 Low Dolly


IC 10 star gazers (SMH @Spork)

10 IC single leg bridges (each leg) oh my that hurt

10 WWI

10 IC Freddy Mercury

10 IC Peter Parkers


The Golden Rule — golden because it's genuine, lasting, and valuable. Imagine how different our world would be if we practiced this principle — not just in our "church life" but in our daily life: with our family, with our coworkers and employer, with the people we manage, with the folks on the freeway and in the neighborhoods where we drive, and toward the waiters and waitresses and others who serve us.


  • Spork just wanted to run. We got 2 miles in and all the above.
  • 15 degrees with wind chill at launch, bit chilly
  • Lots of snow and ice to watch out for
  • Soccer ball was a nice find, to kick around on a 400m lap
  • Keep Closer's dad in your thoughts and prayers

Honored to lead today!
